Camp Prep

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Finally, it's shopping time. Izuku and I arrived together, since we lived by each other, the others were already there waiting for us. Once the group was complete we formed a plan for what everyone will need. To save the overloading on the stores we decided to split up into groups, based on what we needed, then would meet back up in the food court to grab lunch.

Deku, Uraraka, and I were in a group together on our way towards… um… I don’t remember what the store was. I mainly was along for the ride and if I saw something I needed I would get it. However as we were on our way Deku had to stop to re-tie his shoes and told us to go ahead, now it was just Uraraka.

“Hey Y/N-Chan~ you and Deku-kun seem close already. Are you two dating?~” She said in a teasing manner.

My face blew up into a blossoming blush of red and I stuttered trying to form word at her accusing question. “What- How- who- IT’S NOT LIKE THAT!!!” I ended up shouting due to a combination of embarrassment and frustration at my lack of speech I suddenly have.

“You know what? Deku seems to be taking way longer than he should. I'm gonna go make sure he doesn't get lost. You stay right here.” I left, but I could hear her laughing as I practically ran from it.

I walked back to where we left Deku but stopped once I noticed he was talking to someone, I was going to turn around and walk back to leave him to his business but I noticed that awkward position of the other person’s hand and something told me I should stay close just in case.

Uraraka was coming up to me and was about to go see Deku but I stopped her. “Let’s not interrupt him, we can just wait here.” I said as a nervous laugh escaped. Lucky she just nodded and together we waited for him, he never left my line of sight though. After a few more minutes the other person got up and walked away. Quickly I ran up to Deku to see what the hell was going on.

He just brushed it off and practically pushed us towards the store. Something was clearly on his mind though, you can tell by the muttering he was doing. Though it was too quiet to understand what he was saying. I slowed my pace a little to walk beside him and I gently tapped him on the shoulder as he jumped.

“Oh! Y/N, sorry I didn’t realize you were there.” Yup something was clearly off with him and I bet it has something to do with the mystery man from before. I gave him a conferned looked and once again he brushed it off.

In the end, I let it go. It was clear he didn’t want to talk about it so I wasn’t gonna push it. Besides I don’t want the others to get worried and pressure him into talking. Instead we went into the store and got all we needed and by that time we had to meet up with the rest of the group.

Time Skip

Sitting down at a table in the food court is usually relaxing after a day in the mall but I still can’t drop the strange feeling I had earlier from that mystery person. I know I said I was going to drop it for Deku’s sake but my overthinking mind is bringing up constant points that the mystery person is adding to the weird feeling I had the night before.

Hey Y/N are you okay?” A voice whispered to me but I was too zoned out to realize. A tap on my shoulder pulled me from my thoughts as I looked over to see Momo looking at me with a concerned look, the look reminded me of a worried mother.

Oh yeah, I’m fine.” I plastered on a smile to ease her worrying mind. “I was just… thinking about… all the things we could do on this trip” I whispered back my response and it appeared to make her feel better so that good, I should probably reign my thoughts in so that I don’t cause anymore worries.

Unfortunately, I didn’t realize there was another pair of eyes on my with concern. A pair of emerald eyes had a look like he knew exactly what I was thinking about.

After meeting and eating the group split again to go their separate ways and go back home. Deku and I were walking towards the train station, his fidgeting and mumbling giving away the fact that something was on his mind. But, before I could ask what was wrong he spoke up first.

“Are you okay Y/N? I noticed you seemed to have something on your mind when we were eating. Did you forget to buy something? There is still time for you to go back and buy something. I can go with you. Or did something happen at home, oh right I forgot you lie alone. Did something happen at school?” He went on and shot millions of questions at me I didn’t even get a chance to answer.

We were at the train station by the time I even got a chance to anwer. But that wouldn’t have been possible if I didn’t stop and move in front of him to grab his shoulders and force him to look at me as I spoke boldly, “Deku! You have to give me time to answer!”

That shut him up quickly. “I’m fine Deku, I was just lost in thought earlier. I got a little worried then my mind started coming up with 101 different possibilities in different situations it's nothing to worry about.” Yeah, if he is this worried just because I was zoning out here is no way in hell I’m telling him the real reason.

Le Time Skip

It was the morning of our first day of camp. Iida, of course, was standing by the bus door trying to conduct order with us getting to our seat. Poor class president, no one was really listening and everyone was just sitting wherever.

I waited until everyone was seated before I took my seat, mainly because I arrived late so I had to find a way to stuff my luggage into the storage compartment within the bus. Seeing as there were only a couple seats open, and I didn’t want to sit next to Mr. Aizawa. Mainly because he seemed like he wanted to use the entire seat to sleep. I ended up sitting next to Deku.

I don’t mind it but it started to feel like it was on purpose. After looking around I heard a couple of the girls chuckling to themselves which confirmed my suspicions. How they planned this was a mystery but either way it happened and there was nothing to do but enjoy the ride.

Now that everyone was seated the bus started and our adventure had begun to the summer camp that would soon result in the change of the society as we know it.

Word Count: 1210

Helloooooo~ Thank you my beautiful readers for reader this story.

Regard the next chapter I wanted y'alls input. Comment which one y'all want. Think of it as a chose your own story. Don't worry I have a plan for each.

Should Y/N be kidnapped along with Kacchan


Should Y/N be apart of the rescue squad?

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