I Will Win!!

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I found him in one of the waiting rooms, I gently knocked on the door but he didn't hear me. My guess is that he was so involved in his thoughts and mumbling that he didn't even notice I was there. So I let myself in and sat at the table across from him. It took a solid 5 minutes of me sitting there for him to finally notice me, I scared the crap out of him and it was hilarious but not the point.

"Hey, Midoriya... How are you feeling about your match?" I managed to get the sentence out before it finally hit me that I would be battling a strong opponent, good job nerves, and anxiety. You chose the best moments to arrive. "Oh... L/N... I'm fine, I was just thinking about my match with Shinsou coming up with his mind control quirk and all it'll be challenging to gain the advantage." He finally looks up and notices my anxiety was creeping in and he himself became a nervous ball.

"Hey, Hey, you'll do fine! You have an amazing quirk and you are very strategic so I know you will figure something out!" Izuku blurted out to try and calm you down. It was very sweet and the more you thought about it you were able to calm down. "Thanks, Midoriya... That makes me feel better... You however have an amazing quirk though, you are incredibly strong and I know you will do great. I'll be cheering you on okay?" With that said you thought it was best that you head out so he can get ready for his match. Right before you left the room though you turned once more and with a smile, you said, "Good Luck!"

Time Skip (Due to a lazy author :P)

I won the first match, and I was on my way to face Tokayami for 3rd place placement. Izuku won his match with Shinsou but lost to Shoto. In a way though, while watching the match it didn't feel like he lost, but he won in some way. He was able to help break down a wall for Shoto and in a way that is a win in itself. Anyways back to me and my match.

Tokoyami and I were up against each other, now my quirk isn't effective against dark shadow but that doesn't mean I'm at a disadvantage because all I need to do is get Tokoyami to back off the line or brighten up the area. All the training I had when I was younger started to return to me as I moved into a position that provided the best balance and structure. My hands moved so that my wrists were touching with my palms facing Dark shadow and Tokoyami. If I can end this battle quickly then I can conserve my strength and water for the battle following.

I close my eyes as the world around me seems to slow down and go quiet, my mind concentrating on pulling the water in my body to my palms then with one swift and concentrating motion I change the water into air pressure and blast it towards the bird boy. It took quite a bit of water to push him over the line from the distance I was at but luckily when the dust cleared his heel was over the line qualifying me for the win.

I stood up and immediately felt light headed as if I had moved to fast, I must've used up more of the water in my body that I thought I had and became extremely dehydrated but there isn't time to rest because Todoroki was up and ready for the battle that determines who is third and who fights for first. Thankfully, I still had some of my water in my water bottle so I quickly chug it down so that I am ready to take on Todoroki.

The battle began and Todoroki had tried the same move he had for Sero but unfortunately for him, I hovered over the growing ice and launched myself towards him with a flying kick. He managed to dodge my attack and try to grab my ankle to freeze me but I ended up twisting myself so that he loses his grip and quickly lands.

Due to the air attack and the lack of hydration, after touching the ground my lightheadedness returned and I stumbled down the ground accidentally falling out of bounds and hitting my head on the ice Todoroki had created before marking the end of the round for me.

Third POV

The match was declared over when (y/n) fell across the out of bounds line, by this point no one had noticed she hit her head, Todoroki started to walk towards the strong girl to offer a hand to help her up. "That was a well-fought match (Y/N) You are quite strong." The half and half boy spoke. He noticed the girl not even move a muscle to get up and he looked up at the nearby faculty member to see if she was okay.

Shoto had crouched down and moved a couple of strands of hair out of her face and noticed a tiny bit of blood dripping from her head and that fact that she was unconscious. Thanks to the Broccoli boy's keen observation he noticed this fact and quickly shouted, "She hit her head! She needs to see Recovery Girl!"

A few of the medical staff stationed nearby quickly moved onto the scene and put the unconscious girl on a gurney and took her away to get checked out. Meanwhile, Shoto melted the ice as Present Mic announced. "All right folks!! As we prepare the battlefield for the final match of the day we will be taking a short break!! Als Don't worry!! Recovery Girl will take good care of our little (Y/N)(L/N) just like she cares for all our students!"


(Y/N) arrived at Recovery Girl just as Deku had shown up, and with Recovery Girl being the sweet little thing she was, the staff lay her gently on the bed and ushered them outside so that she could give the younger girl a good look through. "Luckily she had only passed out due to dehydration and it has nothing to do with her hitting her head. She only scratched it thankfully so she will be just fine." The elder woman said softly after she noticed the worried look plastered on Izuku's face.

She walked over to her little desk area and picked up a stack of papers and started for the door. " Midoriya do you mind staying here and keeping an eye on her? I just have to go update the others". Once he agreed, Recovery Girl left the room with the unconscious girl and the broccoli boy left behind. Izuku took a seat in a chair placed beside the small bed, "For some reason, this moment feels all too familiar to him...


Word Count: 1154

Tada!! Double update! I had one final note to say before I dive back into writing more chapters. I finally wrote out an outline for how I am gonna write out the chapters. Currently, I have every chapter planned out to 21 chapters but I didn't get to the ending yet so this story will at least be longer than that. Alright, have fun! Stay Safe and Happy Holidays  :)

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