Sports Festival Begins

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Finally, the day of the sports festival has arrived and after many days of training, I finally feel ready to give it my all. In the morning, I had actually managed to get up on time to get ready for the day ahead, and since I had gotten up so early, I was able to walk to the campus with Izuku which was...awkward to say the least.

He was rather quiet during the walk which was not in character for him since he usually is always mumbling about something. I guess he must also be nervous about the sports festival, I mean with us being in the hero course that means many heroes will be there to scout us for our student internships.

When we arrived on campus, we were told to get ready for the festival and to go ahead and get into our gym uniforms and wait with the rest of our class by the stadium. I wave at those who looked towards me but other than that I stayed to myself to prepare for what's to come.

I made sure to have plenty of water on me since my quirk causes me to go dehydrated before I began stretching. After being announced by Present Mic, my class and I entered the enormous arena, immediately I was shocked to see not only the size but also how many people were present in the stands.

My eyes scanned the stands to look for my father since he said he would show. My hopes aren't too high because he is a quite popular hero in America at the moment and is needed over there quite a bit. I was about to give up when suddenly a burst of wind hit me from behind and I looked up to see him smiling wide and he waves at me. I smile back and give him a wave before focusing back on the moment and catching up with my class.

Time Skip

The first event was the obstacle course, Deli was quick to take off and I noticed a few other students going over the large crowd. Thanks to my quirk, I was able to hover over the students and get past the hallway to the actual course. I was too far behind Deku but I did get held up by the giant robots, it seemed like they wanted more screen time.

After being able to get through the robots, I basically went through their legs as they were distracted with everyone else, and I made it to the minefield just as Shoto and Bakugo were tiptoeing across it. Izuku had a brilliant idea to blast himself across the field. I used the dust that picked up from the explosion to hurry past everyone before too many get the idea to do the same. Luckily I made it across just s Bakugo lost his cool and began blasting himself across the minefield.

The next obstacle looked like a giant ravine with a tight rope strung across it. I won't be able to use my quirk to get across it because the ravine is too deep. In order for me to hover over the ground, I have to be close enough to blast air against it. So I walked across the rope instead only using small blasts of air to keep my balance. Watching my classmate get across distracted me and I almost fell a couple of times but I managed to get across without falling.

I want to conserve my stretch and water supply because I'm not sure what the next activity was gonna be so I didn't bother trying to race for first place. The crowd was cheering for the ones that finished first so they didn't pay much attention to me when I entered, which is fine because it doesn't set an expectation yet and I can surprise everyone in a later battle.

It wasn't long until the next activity was announced, a cavalry battle, us students would have to be put into groups of four with three of us holding up the forth student. The challenge would be to collect the headbands which are worth points and with the placement of the obstacle course determining the number of points your own headband was worth.

Since I placed in the top 10 my headband was worth a lot but not as much as Izuku's. That poor kid basically had a million-dollar bounty placed on his head. Right, onto the teams, I wanted people who would compliment my quirk as well as each other within our small group. I ended up pairing with a couple of people from class 1B and 1A so I had to make do with the cards I was dealt with. Together we agreed that even though I had many points I shouldn't be the one on top because my quirk is better for defense rather than offense or collecting.

Time Skip

A quick recap of what happened, my group was one of the few that didn't go straight for Izuku. Instead, we started picking off the people in the back of the large crowd going for the broccoli boy. But we didn't pull any punches when it came to the final minutes and it was basically the "big three" crowding for the million and being put on top.

My team tried to sneak into the group to get the headband but Todoroki's ice made that difficult and by the time when got past the ice things were going down and my teammates expressed that they would rather not get involved in that mess and that we had enough points to make it into the next round. After debating my options... I endured and tried to steal more headbands from the teams scattered around instead of going for the million.

Alright now back to where we were, my team finished barely scraping into the next round. With the final activity announced we were able to go take a break while the stage was set. Thank God really, I don't think I could've made it through with all I had without taking a break. According to the setup of the matches, I would be going against one of my previous teammates from class 1B first but that isn't until after a couple of matches which I was thankful for. While waiting I went ahead and decided to go check up on the little green head.


Word Count: 1064

Hey guys! I am so sorry for not updating in such a long time! I had kinda fallen out of the fandom for a while and I had no motivation to write at all. But!! I finally watched season 4 and with all the new stuff coming out in the manga it rekindled my love for the show. Anyway, this chapter has been split into two parts, so you guys get a double update!!

See you next time!

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