Flash Forward

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Meanwhile in the Future (POV)

As the older woman finishes writing down her memories in the previous chapter, a small green-haired little girl runs into the small cozy office and up to the older woman at the desk. The small child gently tugs on the shirt of the older woman.

"Mommy, are you still writing in your diary?" The little girl looks up at the woman with wide sleepy (E/C) eyes.

The older woman signs with a smile gently sets down the pen in her hand and closes the journal to turn towards the young child. "For now my little princess. It seems like someone is ready for their nap. Did you and Daddy have a good time at the park this morning?" She gently picks up the child and holds her lovely against her chest as she softly rubs her hand up and down the child's back in a soothing manner.

"We had lots of fun! I went on the suuuper tall slide, It was taller than Daddy!" The little girl started to yawn as she placed her head against the woman's shoulder. " And daddy pushed me on the swings it felt like we were flying! *Yawwwwwwn* You should come too Mommy so I can show you how high I go..." The little one's words slowly faded as she fell into a peaceful, well-deserved slumber.

"Maybe next time my love... Once Mommy feels better." The woman whispers as she walks the little girl into the princess ' bedroom at the end of the hall. She gently tucked the child into bed under the pick and purple covers and gently kissed her forehead. She walked to the doorway and turned back to smile at the child before walking back out and into the kitchen where her kind and thoughtful husband was preparing lunch for the adults.

"Well she seemed to have had a lot of ton at the park today Izu, I'm glad you two were able to have a good time without being bombarded with so many adoring fans Mr. Number One Hero." The woman playfully teased as she walked over to the welcoming arms of her tall and handsome green-haired husband. She took a deep breath and let his scent wash over her as she felt all her stress wash away from the simple hug.

The taller male chuckled softly as he wrapped his strong arms around the more frail woman. " I'm glad she had fun. She made sure we took so many pictures to show you when we got back but as you can see she was super tired. How are you feeling babe? Are you still nauseous?" He pushed her back slightly to quickly look over her in concern.

"Relax Izu, I told you. It's just some morning sickness it'll pass. The doctor said it's completely normal and that I just need to take it easy and not overdo it." She looked compassionately into her husband's emerald green eyes as she assured him she was okay. Even though she still wasn't feeling the best. Her health has been a cause for worry ever since they discovered they were expecting their second child.

"I know, but I can't help but worry. When you were pregnant with Akari the doctors said that due to your quirk, it was hazardous for you. Since your body relies on your water volume to use your quirk, you can't use your quirk while pregnant since you'll be at a way higher risk for being severely dehydrated." Izuku started to ramble just as he did growing up when it comes to a subject he cares about he doesn't know how to start talking about it.

"Izu... Izuku darling look at me." She takes his hand and places it gently on her belly just as the fetus gently kicks against the hand placed down. "Me and the little kicker are doing perfectly okay. I'm making sure to drink extra water and not use my quirk. So please, My Love, relax." Y/N gently smiles as she watches a more relieved expression fall upon her husband's face as she stands on her tiptoes to give him a soft kiss. "I love you but you are a worry wart, You have been since we were about five."

The woman smiles once more as she tries to hold back her laugh, failing to do so, only to be followed shortly by her husband laughing with her.

"Shhh... we don't want to wake Akari. You know how she can be if she doesn't get her beauty rest." At that statement, they both broke out laughing once more as the taller one returned to the meal that was being prepared.

A few hours later

Y/N was working at her desk in the office scribbling away into her journals, completely tuned out from the rest of the world. Izuku lightly knocked on the wooden door but was met with no answer. He gently pushed the door open to see the woman concentrating so strongly. He walked up behind her and peered down at where she was in her writing and he noticed she was writing about her feelings from when he was a vigilante.

"Akari is down for the night and I wanted to see if you wanted to watch a movie with me on the couch... but if you're in the zone I can raincheck." He spoke softly as he gently caressed his hand across her back as she leaned back to stretch.

"A movie sounds lovely. What do you want to watch?" She closed her journal and smiled up at her husband as she gently rested a hand on her belly as the fetus was kicking quite a bit at the moment.

"Whatever my Queen wishes to watch. Is he kicking again? He seems quite active today." He glances at her for approval before gently resting his hand on her stomach to feel the activity of their unborn son. He knelt so he was at the same level as her stomach and gently whispered to her as if talking to the baby. " Hey there little guy. You certainly are quite strong. Go easy on your mother in there." Izuku leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her stomach before leaning up and kissing her lips.

"I swear, I fall in love with you all over again every day. I'm so glad I came back to Japan when I did." She cleaned up her desk, organized all her writing utensils, and placed a bookmark in the journal before closing it gently and placing it along with others in a small box titled "Remember Our Story". With the assistance of her husband, she got up and walked with him to their living room couch to cuddle and enjoy a movie before settling for the night.


Word Count: 1124

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this little fluffy chapter about life in the future. I am thinking of doing these sporadically to eventually tie the present storyline to the future one to complete the story. That is if y'all liked seeing a snip bit of the future.

 Question- How far should I follow the storyline before jumping to the future? Do you want to see how (Y/N) and Deku's relationship gets past the vigilante phase? Or should I just jump to the "bigger" moments in the anime to sum up the storyline? I want your opinion. 

Anyways! I hope y'all enjoyed the little break the next chapter will start the overall arc and Eri will enter the scene!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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