We're In This Together

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Back in the white room, the girl watched for what felt like days as the girl in the video sat in darkness. She had mirrored the girl in the sitting position as they both were hugging their knees. Only moving when the door cracked and the little boy walked inside. He visited everyday without fail.

“Master sent me to see if you ate.” He walked closer and the girl remained unmoved. He kicked something within the room and the object made a scraping noise as the metal slid across the concrete.

“I want to go home…” 

“I know, but Master said that you are a treasure and that you will bring fortune like a cloud that finally brings rain after a drought. You can’t leave because you are our little cloud (Y/N).” The little nickname sent shivers down her spine.

After a few moments the boy would leave once again and the cycle would repeat everyday, she lost track of the amount of time she was there and for the fresh little 5 year old it felt like months.

The girl in the white room felt mental drained the more she watched the pattern continue. The feeling of being stuck in that dark room returned as she sat in the light room. She was so zoned out she didn’t realize that after the boy’s last visit he forgot to lock the door. But the smaller girl noticed and crawled her way over to the cold metal door.

The small girl in the dirty white dress was able to peek her little head out into the dark hallway. It only took her a moment to make a dash for the light at the end. She racked her tiny brain for the directions as she tried to remember the turns it took to get the room. The little child urged her exhausted little legs to keep her thin body up as she ran.

She made it outside but the adrenaline of being free and the fear of being caught kept her going until she made it back into the town. The exhaustion of barely eating, never seeing the sun, and being stuck in that dark room for who knows how long finally caught up with her small body. 

The girl managed to find a person wearing the all familiar dark blue uniform before her head clashed with the rock solid ground. 

The screen went black as tears fell from the older girl’s cheeks. “That’s why I can’t remember that… “ (Y/N) didn’t have much time to let her mind catch up with her thoughts before her vision was swallowed by a swirl of colors. 

She opened her eyes to see her classmates looking in fear at her. She felt her body being swallowed and a struggle was happening next to her. Her eyes quickly shifted to her side to see the blonde struggling to escape the hold of a man with burnt skin. Tears filled the girl's eyes as she looked back at her classmates. 

The situation all came to her as she desperately tried to reach her arm out to take another hand. 

The greenette rushed towards them both equally desperate to return his friends. His hand brushed against the girl’s and missed the blonde’s. Both students were swallowed up by the purple smoke as the greenette fell to the ground, his own exhaustion catching up to him as his body finally let go and he went unconscious.

Time Skip (Y/N) POV

The purple smoke lifted and I found myself inside a room that resembled a bar. My senses returned along with a headache, my eyes searched the room to find the group of villains on one side and an unconscious Bakugou next to me. 

“What the hell do you want with us?!”  I shouted towards the group. They ignored me. 

It appeared the small group was preoccupied around a small screen, it was too far away for me to hear anything so I sat back next to the blonde and tried to think of ways to escape. Both Bakugou and I were bound at the hands, and tethered to a post in the wall. 

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