Going Home

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After I finished packing up all my stuff. The crowd started to disband so I used this opportunity to slip out of class to start walking home. Using the peaceful walk to clear my mind and think. How in the world did Izuku forget me but I didn't forget about him? Was I not that important to him when we were kids?

Not far behind me, I hear footsteps so I quickly jump into an alleyway to peer around the corner to see who it was. Surprisingly it was Izuku, I'm not surprised that he's walking this way I'm just more surprised he was able to escape the crowd of dismissed students. 

I had to make a choice; wait for him to pass do I can go about my peaceful walk, or I can walk with him and try to discover if he truly had forgotten me it just didn't recognize me. I chose the second choice. 

I waited for him to pass my hiding spot before I continued the path and called out to him. "Izu- Midoriya! Wait up!" he stopped and looked up from his notebook from me. "O-oh hello!" He waited for me to catch up before continuing, "S-sorry about earlier I-I didn't mean to upset you or anything!". 

I felt bad… has he been thinking about that all day? "Oh no worries I just confused you with someone else, my mistake, I thought you were someone I knew from childhood. Anyways my name it (Y/N) (L/N)". He smiled before he introduced himself. An idea sparked in my head. 

Plan B; Re-become friends with Izuku while dropping subtle hints to see if he will pick up the memory of who I am. It was genius and I just might be able to figure out what happened during the last 10 years. "So uh (L/N)-san do you live around here?" I looked around at the street signs and the nearby apartments to see if I recognized the area. I had only just moved back a month ago so I was still fairly new to the area. 

"Um… I believe so I'm still new to the area, but I think I'm in the right place". I must've looked confused because he offered to help me get home. So I showed him my address to see if he knew where it was. His face lit up and he explained to me that he lived in the same building. I smiled as we continued en route to our homes. 

Once we got to the apartment building entrance, I knew how to get to my apartment so we parted ways just to end up meeting back in the elevator. We both started laughing up to our floor. I had forgotten where he lived so once we made it to my apartment he exclaimed that he lives only a few doors down. Father must've purposely picked this place because it would be near someone I knew. Once again we parted ways and I went into my lonely apartment. 

My mother had passed away last year and my father had to stay in the States since he was a pro hero. But he wanted to go to the top hero course school which just so happens to also be the school he went to. I put my bag away and went to take a shower before I started dinner. After about 15-20 minutes I got out, changed, and looked to see what I had to make dinner… nothing. Ugh, I forgot to go shopping on my way home! Now, what am I supposed to eat?!

Knock Knock

Now, who could that be? I made sure I looked decent before I opened to door. On the other side stood none other than Izuku. "Midoriya? What brings you here?" He looked nervous as he stood there. "M-my mom saw us walking back together and s-said I should i-invite you over for d-dinner." THANK THE HEAVENS I WON'T HAVE TO STARVE TONIGHT!!!

"I would love to" I smiled and invited him in while I go quickly change into something more presentable. I walked back out and together we walked over to his place his mother was ecstatic when she opened the door and saw me. "G-good afternoon Ms. Midoriya t-thank you for inviting me over". Will she remember me or did she forget me too? 

"Please come in, come in! Dinner is almost done Izuku will you please go set the table for me?" Izuku did as he was told leaving me and her alone in the hallway. "It's so good to see you again (Y/N) you look so grown up!" She hugged me and from instinct, I hugged her back. She remembers me! Tears started to well up in my eyes I didn't think to have Inko remember me would affect me this much but it did and I'm so happy. 

"I've been wanting to come to see you ever since you moved in but I've been worried about Izuku going to U. A. and you seemed to be busy training and I didn't want to bother you. " We broke apart our hug and I wiped my tears, smiling. "I've missed you so much Auntie Inko".

After recollecting myself we left the hallway and made our way to the dinner table. Auntie Inko dished out our plates and we all sat at the table. She made Katsudon, I haven't had this in forever I can't wait!

Time Skip

After dinner, I helped clear the table while Izuku washed the dishes. I smiled to myself, it felt as though I never moved. Is this what it would've been if I stayed in Japan? 

Once everything was cleaned I said my goodbyes and walked back to my place. I opened the door once again to my empty apartment. I wish I had a sibling that would at least keep me company. 

There were a few boxes still scattered about and I wasn't that tired. As you probably guessed, I pushed them aside to do tomorrow as I sat down with a bowl of ice cream and watched some anime. 

Word Count: 1037

So as I was writing I had noticed that there wasn't much deku x reader interaction so I created this filler chapter to add characteristics to your character and to have some interact between you too. Anyways that's all.

Peace out!

Remember Me (DekuxReader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ