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Two Weeks Later (Third POV)

"Finally! That was the last box I am all moved into the new dorms! I honestly don't know what I was expected but I didn't think it would be like this!" Y/N shouted as she folded up the last box and threw it over by the door where a seemly unsturdy tower of half-hazardly folded boxes lay. She clapped her hands in a comedic way as if she was trying to dust them off.

The building was designed with 5 floors. The dorms are on the upper 4 and the 1st floor is the common room complete with couches, tables, television, kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms. Each of the dorm floors consisted of 8 dorms, four rooms per gender. Males are assigned to the left wing and females are assigned to the right wing. Each room came with standard air conditioning, a toilet, a bed, a fridge, a closet, and a balcony.

"I can't believe that each room gets a balcony! I am so gonna be cliche and buy balcony plants" (Y/n chuckled to herself as she pictured how her future room is gonna look like once she buys a few more decorative items. Surprisingly they offered to store her unused furniture in a local storage building. Her father had talked to the school and decided to let the apartment go since (Y/n) wouldn't be there hardly ever. On vacations, she would either just spend time with the Midoriyas or fly to the States.

Knock Knock

"I wonder who that could be~" (Y/n) quickly went over to her door and opened it to find Mina and Uraraka standing there all excited as if they had the best news to share. "Hey, girls! I just finished unpacking what's up?"

"(Y/N)! What perfect timing! We were going around and rating everyone's room! Mind if we come in a take a look?" Mina had said excitedly as she was bouncing with excitement to walk in and see what unique design she had down for her dorm.

"Oh! Sure! I mean its nothing special but you are more than welcome too! I don't have much since I just moved back to Japan not long before school started."

((Y/N) dorm looked quite similar to Uraraka's with a mix of Deku. You were a fan girl but didn't have quite the budget to deck out your room like everyone else)

"OOOO! How cute! I love the aesthetic you're going for here!" Mina shouted as she walked over to your desk and saw how cutely you had it organized. She had made note that she got similar vibes from Y/N's room as she did from Izu's but not as obvious as his.

"No offense but I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't have a distinct design theme going on in my room" Uraraka said with relief as she looked among the posters on your walls and your little succulent plants on your nightstand.

"Yeah, I plan to get a few more to decorate it more the next time we have a chance."

"I just had a great idea! Why don't we all go to the mall together!" Mina said with excitement as she looked at (Y/N) with her racoon eyes.

Y/N smiled as she replied, " I love that idea! We should totally have a girls' trip!"

The three girls squealed together in excitement for their trip together and Mina had invited Y-N to go around with them to see the other rooms.

"I think it's super weird how they have you as the only girl on this floor. You have the whole wing to yourself! It's kinda creepy being with so many boys." Mina had mentioned as she walked towards the elevator to head up to some higher floors to check out some of the other dorms.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. When I had brought it up they said they didn't want to make the other floors uneven since they all had 2 girls on each." Y/N recalled as she pressed the button for the 5th floor. "Oh! While I'm thinking about it, have you all noticed anything weird going on with Izu lately? He just seems to disappear more often since I got out of the hospital. I want to talk to him after everything went down but it seems I keep missing him."

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