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"Mommy!! Mommy!!" The small child came up to me as I open my journal at my desk. The little child gave me the motion to pick her up.

"Yes? What is it Pumpkin?" I softly picked her up and let her sit on my lap.

"Mommy! Whatcha doing?" She couldn't quite finish her sentence but I understood her.

"I'm writing in my journal Pumpkin"


I chuckled as I stroked her soft green hair. The little girl looked at me confused before hopping off and made her way towards the living room all smiley again.

I turned back to my journal and wrote down a special date. The date of when my life changed or should I say started.

It all started at Musutafu, Japan. I guess I could say he was my first crush. And to this day someone I truly love.

I started to write as the flashback in my head started to play back like a movie.


When I was younger my family moved around a lot. So, when we moved to Musutafu I had to start a new preschool and life!

So, one day I went to the playground at my new school. Many kids were there playing and having fun. I haven't made many friends. So I was gonna go out and meet new ones.

I was nervous, I couldn't speak even if I tried. I wasn't even sure why that kept happening to me. Yet there was someone who didn't show fear, even though he seemed to be getting bullied.

Seeing him like that gave me the courage to go help him out. As I was walking over to the little green-haired boy I got to see what exactly was going on and it made me mad.

When I got to the small crowd, no one was sticking up for the poor boy. Then, all of a sudden, my body moved on its own towards the green-haired boy. I guess it was telling me that I will regret not helping him.

Once I went to the green-haired boy I extended my hand, "Are you okay?" I said in concern. Everyone went silent the only thing you could hear was the sounds of tears. Until, all of a sudden...


An explosion sound echoed in the silence. I looked over to where the noise came from and I saw a very angry blonde boy with red eyes.

"What do you think you're doing?" said one of the children watching. "Hey isn't that the new girl?" said another.

Baam! Pow!

The Blonde's hand started making explosions. "So you're the new girl huh?" I nodded as the blonde started to walk towards me. "Well new girl, around here you listen to me and if you have a problem with that then I'll beat you like I do Deku!"

"What if I fight back and stand up for myself?" I spoke softly slightly scared. The blonde boy chuckles "You want to fight me? That the funniest thing I've ever heard!" he says before laughing. "I-I mean it! I may not have my quirk but I do know combat!" I lied, I didn't know any combat my dad never taught me...

"Please don't fight for me I deserve it... I-I'm quirkless..." Deku spoke softly. I turned and looked at him confused,  "So?" Deku looked at me like I was crazy. "So what if you are quirkless just because you may not have one doesn't mean you deserve being beaten" I said.

"Tch, this is stupid I'm leaving," the blonde boy said as he turned to leave, everyone went with him, I guess the excitement was over. I extended my hand again " Deku do you want me to help you up?" Deku grabbed my hand and stood up. " My name is (Y/N) by the way, (Y/N) (L/N)" I smiled and spoke with pride. "I'm Izuku Midoriya, thank you for sticking up for me" He smiled. It was the first time I saw his smile. "Wait so Deku isn't your name?" I looked at him confused.

"Deku is what Kacchan calls me to m-make fun of me..." Izuku spoke softly. All that moment, I felt really bad. " I am so sorry I didn't know!" I said embarrassed, " I-Its okay," said Izuku. "I didn't know it was a mean thing! I thought it meant 'You can do it!" I said as Deku's face turned red. Then Deku spoke softly as he said " Then you can call me Deku so whenever you say my name I'll remember when you saved me" Deku smiled and my face turned all red.

Word Count: 770


Hey, guys, I'm so excited to be able to contribute to the world of fanfiction I hope you bare with me as this is my first book! Like to thank Joci_weeen for helping me write this chapter and getting this story started!

So the schedule of updated may also be a little crazy for a while so I apologize in advance for that! Also if you have any ideas for a future chapter I might make it happen!

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