Guardian Angel

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*TW: Mother's Death Scene*

"Aero! Aero! What's wrong?! Are you hurt??" Tori shoutels clearing worried about me, her air bubbles on the verge of breaking. Willowmene was also trying to snap me back to reality but once that failed she quickly picked me up and took me over so Tori and the little girl could calm down. By this point I black down out from inhaling so much smoke, not able to get enough air because of the fast breathing.

Flashback (third POV)

"Mommy? Mommy!" The little girl shouted as she ran through the halls of the small house. There had been a villain attack, somehow a low ranked villain found out where the #1 hero lived and attacked while he was away. The villain locked the house in a barrier after setting fire to the building. The little girl and her mother were still inside when it all happened.

"I'm here baby! I'm right here!" The older woman shouted from her place in the living room. She was looking outside, still as can be, she realized that this might be the last moments her and her daughter have. The thought brought tears to her eyes and when the little girl ran over and tugged lightly on the older woman's skirt it only made her more sad.

The woman bends down to the little girl's level and tries to smile so the girl doesn't worry too much. "What's wrong my little Sunflower?" The little girl could sense something was wrong but with her only being 7 years old she couldn't place what.

"It's getting hard to breathe, can we go outside?" The little girl asks innocently. The mother just gently shakes her head.

"We can't go outside today, why don't we go to your room okay?" The older woman had a plan that could save her child but she needs her daughter to stay calm.the little girl smiles and nods her head quickly. She runs off to her room with her mother quickly following.

Smoke had taken over practically the whole house except the small bedroom in the furthest point. The woman followed her daughter and sat her down in her lap. "My little Y/N. You will grow up to become a beautiful woman. You're smart, courageous, kind, I bet if you decide to become a hero you will be amazing. In fact I know you will." She stopped to cough, the smoke affecting her lungs.

The little girl looks up at her mother starting to realize the situation. "Momma? Are we going to be okay?"

The woman nods softly, "it will be okay. Now I want you to promise me that-'' She was interrupted by the sound of beams crashing down somewhere towards the front of the house. The little girl coughs as the smokes slowly starts to enter the room. "Promise me that no matter what you'll never lose your smile, and never give up on your dreams. Can you promise me that?"

The little girl's tears start to stream down her little cheeks. "I promise Mommy."

"That's a good girl. I love you Y/N"

"I love you too Mommy"

"Now" She coughs again, this time a more raspy version. "Stay here and wait for me okay? I love you My little Sunflower." The woman quickly gets up and stands outside the room, she puts her hand up and creates a pressurized force field around the bedroom to keep the smoke out. The little girl knew her mom's quirk could only create the force fields on things other than herself so she started balling her eyes out and punching against the invisible wall. "Mommy! No! Please! Stay with me!"

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