Deku...Looks Hot

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When I reach the nurse’s office Deku-Kun has already woken up and was changing back into his uniform. So let me paint a picture of what I walked into; Izuku Midoriya, shirtless with his shirt in hand, the chest is bare and muscled but not much, eyes are in a trance as he spaced off thinking about something. 

And Oh My God I don’t think I should be seeing this I better leave before he sees me… ”(L-L/N)-San? Is that you?” Oh shit, I’ve been spotted, quick think of something fast, and don’t tell him you were just staring at him. I repeat DO NOT TELL HIM!

“Uh yeah, sorry to bother you” I scratch the back of my neck and look around the room to avoid looking at him. When I meet his eyes they look confused. Right, I forgot to tell him why I’m here, alright now (y/n) deep breath, “ I came here to stare- I-I MEAN SHARE! I came here to share the information that my team won and to chest, I-I mean JUST check to see how you are doing ” 

I gave a nervous laugh and mentally facepalmed myself. Hopefully, he didn’t notice what just happened. In a rushed tone I say “Anyways you look A-OKAY so I’ll just see you back in class,” then turn to leave as quickly as possible.

 “Wait, (L/N)-San” Oh Shit, I’m done for. Somebody kill me now, please! “Thank you for checking up on me but have you seen Kacchan?” Really? He’s thinking about him? Seriously, the way Deku cares for Bakugou it almost seems like they are a couple. (*cough* BakuDeku shippers *cough*)

Hmm, did I see him...? “Oh, yeah, I saw him in the hallway it looked like he was about to leave to go home.” Deku had his shirt on by now and was quickly putting the rest of his uniform on then rushed out the door towards the entrance yelling ‘Thanks’.  Well, that just happened…

Time Skip

The bell was about to ring to send everyone home, Deku hasn’t come back so I guess we won't walk home together. When I came back to the classroom earlier everyone had already come back so I socialized with my classmates. I learned that the purple-haired girl from earlier is named Kyoka Jiro. 

We got talking and she explained how things went on her end and I did the same since we didn't see each other as the rest of the class could. Jiro-Chan said that Kaminari-Kun kept hitting on her so she thought up everything herself. Then Momo came over and thanked me when I asked what she simply said to not worry about it so I gave her a smile in return.

I met a few others such as Kirishima-Kun, Hagakure-san, and Ashido-san. I asked if anyone wanted to walk home with me but no one seemed to live in my direction. Which means I end up walking home alone…

My shoe became untied and when I bend down to tie it I noticed a note I made myself, “GO BUY FOOD FOR HOUSE” Oh! That’s right if it weren't for Deku inviting me over I wouldn’t have eaten yesterday. I can’t get lucky twice so I’m glad I wrote that note. A small giggle escapes my mouth as the conversation that goes on in my head continues.

Time Skip

After returning home from shopping and putting all the food away, I quickly got to work on making a small batch of cookies to give to Inko-San. Since, of course, she took me last night and fed me she deserves some fresh cookies. After I finished the cookies, however, it took me forever to find a container within all the boxes that are still packed to bring the cookies over in.

I walked next door and knocked on the door. Izuku opened the door and I start to blush because I remembered what happened earlier in the nurse’s office. “ H-hey” I cleared my suddenly dry throat, “ I brought some cookies over for you and your mom as a thank you for last night.” I nervously smiled and he gave him the container of cookies.

“My mom will love these, but you really didn't have to, you know my mom she can be very generous sometimes.” He makes a confused face before he speaks again “ I sorry I don't know why but it felt like you've been over here a lot, but you came over here for the first time yesterday you wouldn’t know my mom like that.”

Wait… was that him...remembering that we knew each other? Nah, it was probably a mistake, right? 

Izuku invites me inside for a little bit since his mom was out. The blush on my face was still there but I don’t think it’s noticeable. I looked around nervously before speaking "So… you didn't come back after going after Bakugo I was kinda worried." 

Izuku froze for a couple seconds before answering, "Yea, sorry about that I did kinda rush out of the nurse's office kinda fast, sorry for worrying you," there was an awkward silence that followed and it lasted a good 2 minutes before his mom came home.  

"Izuku! I'm home! Oh! Hello (y/n), I didn't know you would be here" she smiles brightly unaware of the awkward atmosphere. "Good afternoon" I bow slightly, "I was just bringing over some homemade cookies as a thanks for dinner last night I was just about to leave" I felt like suffocating as I take a step towards the door. 

"Well why don't you stay over for dinner? You're already here and I'm just about to start cooking" I debated my options for a moment before speaking "Thank you, but I wouldn't want to trouble you" Izuku looks up towards me with an apologetic look. "Please stay for dinner, I would like to talk to you about your hero costume it was amazing!" Wow, his attitude changed real quick. 

A few hours later and I'm in his room describing the design of my costume and explaining my quirk as he writes it down in his notebook. "... And the water container on my utility belt is used because I get dehydrated from using my quirk to much," 

He continues to draw every detail to the point, and when I ask him why he is adding me to his notebook, he responds, "Because if I want to be a good hero I have to know about the hero's I'll be working with. " I've never thought about that, it makes me wonder what he did when I was living in the States. 

He asks me how my quirk worked and told him that in order to compress the air in order to use, I'll have to use the water in my body and make the air denser which is also why the air can only come out of my hands and feet. 

"Enough about my quirk, what about yours? It's really powerful even if you break your bones. " He got all nervous trying to explain his quirk to me, the whole explanation has holes in it. I know he didn't have a quirk before I moved, so how does he have one now?

Word Count: 1230

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