Game. Set. Match

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My heart pounds with fear, wondering if my bizarre theory could be true. Certainly, weirder things have happened in Gotham, but neither of their personalities matched up. Frosty was a foolish girl, unable to plan nor solve a simple riddle with that loud mouth of hers. She was impulsive with the mind of a squirrel. On the other hand, Perplexity was strategic, quiet, thinking constantly. They were like two separate people. Remind you of someone? Shut up, she's not like us. I think to myself weaving through the traps I set just in case Arkham got more than one visitor. Are you sure? If she had powers why wouldn't she use them on Dent or Jon? Perplexity was wet after we found her from Dent. My mind races with questions as I break through the final few barriers, to the section of Arkham where I last left her.

"Perplexity! Lexi-" A frown falls on my face, reaching out to the chains that were on the floor, frozen over and broken. The chilled metal stung in my hand as I noticed mild traces of blood coating them. There was no way she was the same Kate.

My body is shoved forward as I am kicked from behind onto the concrete floor. A second later, water flushes against my face, drenching and chilling me to my core.

"Hello, Edward." The water halts. Ice emerges, limping slowly from her wounds. She is different then when I left. Last I saw, she was fragile, shivering, weak. Now she stood before me looking far from defeated. "Took you long enough, I expected more."

My eyebrow raises, staring at her with slight confusion. Expected more? From me, the Riddler. How dare she. Her tone set me on edge, did she know about my Perplexity? I keep my composure, hand slowly reaching for the spare pistol I hide in my jacket.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you." Ice threatens, "I saw you slide it into your jacket when I got dressed this morning..."

Briefly, I am confused. My expression falls for a moment realizing Kate stood in front of me. Quickly, I hide my surprise, unwilling to let my cards be seen. "Perplexity," I repeat her name as a statement this time, no longer questioning the woman who stood before me.

A wicked smile flashed across her face. "It's weird to see me in this light, no?" Her hands slowly lift her mask, letting the bloodstain fabric run down the sides of her cheeks. Her bruised eyes fall upon me, softly. I recall how many nights I would see hers before they closed. Questions riddled my brain, but I stay quiet. The only noise I make is a slight shivering from the pointlessly forced bath she just gave me. She lowers her mask down again, giving a shrug.

My whole body tenses as she strolls forward. None of this made sense. "You do look cute with wet hair." Her hand runs through it as it would every night before bed. I bit the bottom of my lip, watching her movements. Before I knew it, her tender lips were on mine. There's an angle, what game is she playi-

"I win, Edward." Her voice softens as her lips part from mine. My eyebrows narrow as she whispers those two horrific words in my ear. Her voice becomes sharp as Perplexity dares repeat herself in my presents. "Say I win."

"I beg your pardon?" Disgusted, I take a step back wiping her kiss from my lips. The wall now pressed up against my back, but did allow for some distance between us.

"Say I win."

An intellectual such as myself could see ice forming in her hand, as well as, hear the unhinged anger in her tone. I roll my eyes, unimpressed at her theatrics.

"DAMMIT." I curse feeling an ice pierce my hand. Before I could reach inside for my gun the water around my other hand froze against the wall. Blood formed around the ice, as the feeling in my lower hand spiraled with pain.

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