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The streets of Gotham held a quiet air about them, that only lingered for a second. As the news spread, devilish laughter and cries of evil cheered across the city. The World Summit, a conference held by the greatest minds across the world would be held in Gotham this year. Every four years, scientists, world leaders and engineers would gather, showing off their latest innovations and technology. Each rouge saw this as the opportunity to show their brand of chaos to the world. Anywhere these criminals lurked, the whispers of ideas began. Plans so despicable and deadly spread like wildfire throughout the  Iceberg lounge and the hallways of Arkham. They had plenty of time to put their hellfire plans into action, because there was 6 months until the World Summit met. At the iceberg lounge, Penguin smirked putting up a countdown to December 12th on his bar. Everyone knew December 12th would be a date in infamy.

Across town, in a quiet room of Wayne Manor, Kate Monroe was oblivious to the news. She had been quietly staring at a silver and teal mask, that remained untouched in a wooden box. Her hands delicately ran over it, closing her eyes as she longed to be back, back on Gotham streets as the vigilante known as Ice.

Ice, a name Gotham city hasn't heard in years. She had been declared dead long ago. Ice, the vigilante with the ability to control water around her, freeze it in some cases. Kate recalled when she first roamed Gotham, secretly trying to help Batman and Robin. Bruce and Grayson were smart enough to catch on to her assistance, and one day Kate found them as Batman and Robin, broken into her small apartment. For the next three years Ice helped them with her gifts before she disappeared.

The memory soon made a tear fall from her face as she recalled the last time Ice was seen. A mission when something odd happened, which they say she disappeared for 5 years. No one had a clue where she went. Grayson thought Kate was dead, so did Bruce.

No one believed her, but she did not disappear. Kate had not run away, as her dreams still lingered with vivid images of that night. A flash of purple light, then waking up somewhere strange. She was still on Earth just not in Gotham, it was like some alternate universe. Bruce Wayne did not exist, neither did superman. For a while she thought of Gotham like a far off dream. A few months ago she woke up back in the rainy streets of Gotham, and after reuniting with Grayson she had been living back at Wayne Manor ever since. Her identity, Ice, had not returned to patrol yet. That being said, she has been known to sneak off using her other, 'gift', to help Nightwing and Batman from time to time these last few months.

"Are you okay Miss Monroe?" Alfred's voice disrupts her thought.

"Yes, just lost in thought I'm afraid." Kate spoke quietly, closing the box.

"If you are available your presence is requested downstairs."

A few seconds later Kate had made her way down to the Batcave. Her heart pounded with excitement, hoping this meant Bruce had finally decided Ice could make her reappearance. Not that Bruce controlled her, she just knew Richard agreed with Bruce that until they knew what exactly happened she shouldn't be out and about just yet.

"What happened?" Her voice filled concern, reading the room. Dick and Bruce shared the same unpleasant expression, while Bruce was focused on the screen Dick had his arms followed inwards.

"Bruce just got invited to the World Conference Summit, they want him to speak there"  Grayson said, but that confused Kate. What was so bad about that? I know Bruce does not like to be himself, but if anything that seemed like a honor.

"World Conference Summit, that sounds cool. Isn't that where important people go about bragging about some stuff. What's so bad about that?"

"Its in Gotham this year."

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