Coming Home

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In the far back hallways of Wayne manor was the study. Lightning flashes against the window, lighting up the room followed by the roar of Thunder. The two men paid no attention to the storm outside, deep in conversation. A knock alerts the two to Alfred's presents, he enters the old study with some urgent news on his mind.

"Sir, I am sorry to disturb you and Master Grayson but someone has tripped the alarm on the second floor." Alfred words cause both of their heads to shoot up from the papers. Immediately, Bruce and Dick race up the stairs, finding the window left open. Their eyes scan the room until they fall across a brunette girl shivering beneath the window. Bruce snaps the lights on to see her curled up, soaking wet.

"Kate." Dick gasps, seeing her face for the first time. He grabs a blanket for her from the bed, wrapping it around her chillingly cold body. He keeps his arms around her, trying to reassure her that she was safe. "It's're okay now..."

The lights reveal Kate's ordinary blue eyes, bright red from tears. The past 24 hours have been nothing short of an emotional rollercoaster for her.

"You could have just used the front door." Bruce says, not understanding why she tried to break into the manor. Grayson shot him a look, but Bruce wanted to be careful. Could Clayface being playing a trick on them? The thought remained in his mine.

Kate pauses, staring at them a moment as Bruce's words register. Of course she could have used the front door, that would be if Kate actually believed she knew Bruce and Dick. A part of her feared that what everyone said was true. Just another dream, even if they were real she could not bring herself to do it. All day, Kate spent wandering around Gotham in attempts to put her mind at ease. The thought of facing Dick made her ill. She ended up having no choice because night fell upon Gotham skies. The storm forced her to find shelter, which meant she needed to return. Kate thought maybe, just maybe sneaking in the guest room would allow her time to think of what to say. Perhaps one night to get her words correct.

Kate opens her mouth to speak, but tears filled her eyes again as she thought of how stupid she was, here Grayson's arms were wrapped around her and she was a fraud. She clung to Grayson tightly, he was real. Why did she even question her sanity? He's real. They are real. She confirms to herself. "I'm sorry...I am so sorry. " Her guilt expressed in words, which fell from her mouth, thinking about her mistake with the Riddler.

"Hey, it's okay..."Grayson didn't know where she was coming from with these apologies. Last thing he knew she was kidnapped by the Riddler during the breakout. He tilted her head up to face him, but she quickly moved away.

"Kate. I know your not in the best shape but -"

She knew where Bruce was going with his statement. After one Clayface breach they each had their own code to make sure they knew it was really one another. "91939" She stated, knowing that was her way to tell Bruce she wasn't Clayface. It was the password to get into the Batcave computer.

Bruce nods, going quiet for a moment. He stood down, more relaxed after the confirmation. Grayson rolls his eyes, noticing Kate with a distant look across her face.

Kate starts to relax. Her other life was real. Nothing felt more reassuring to her sanity. Her normal life was real. She clung to Grayson, not wanting to lose it like a dream. He moved her to sit on the bed. Like waves slowing down after a storm, her mind relaxed.

Now that Bruce was sure that the girl was in fact Kate, he asks, "Did you find out anything more about the summit?"

"Seriously Bruce. Not now." Grayson glares, but keeps his voice soft not to startle her. The World Summit was time sensitive, but any new details could wait until morning.

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