Iceberg Lounge [Part 1]

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"Wow" A soft gasp escapes Edward as he sees Perplexity step out of the bathroom. Her dress flowy and flirty against her light skin, unlike most girls who wore tiny and tight cocktail dresses. The silk blue fabric moves gently against her body like waves in an ocean. The color drew out the chilling teal color of her eyes, that was what his gaze was locked on. "You look amazing."

"Thanks." Lexi smiles, "it sure beats wearing Arkham uniforms that's for sure." She spoke with a cheerful glee about her as she steps forward into the light. Her smile is beautiful, isn't it. A voice said softly in Edwards head, he ignores it immediately by looking at his phone.

10:51 PM

"We should get going, it's getting late." Edward says, in his head he begins to calculate how traffic would affect their arrival time.

A snicker escapes Lexi as if reading his mind. Edward looks up from his phone, tilting his head in her direction. "What is it?"

"Well, I imagine Mr. Edward Nygma has never been late for a single thing in his life. I imagine you are the one always 5 minutes early and ready to begin the moment an event like a party starts or a club opens." Perplexity teased him, flirting any chance she got. She saw tonight as an opportunity for information, or at least that was what she told herself to not over analyze what she really wanted from tonight.

"Most certainly not." He played along, cracking a smile. Edward knew she was right, though would hardly admit it. The very idea of him not being precisely on time bothered him. Of course, his colleague and friend, Jon would claim the very same precision was a trait of his OCD driven attitude which forces him to leave clues for the Batman. His annoyance at the subject distracts him from fixing the buttons on his shirt. After fidgeting with one a bit longer than he'd like to, Lexi steps in to help him with the final buttons.

Her delicate fingers lace in the final button of his shirt. "The real question is, can you hold your liquor?" She teases him, looking up with a cocky smirk.

Edward could tell she was up to something, planning something. He wonders what her perplexing mind was conjuring up.


"Figure it out yet?" I ask, opening the car door for Perplexity. She steps out of our Uber, onto the purple carpet outside of the Iceberg Lounge. A line was around the block of people longing to get in, and maybe catch a glance at the notorious nightclub. The odds of someone from off the streets getting in where slim to none, but a line at the door always drew more business.

"A lion?" Perplexity eyebrow furrows, her expression still of puzzlement over my latest riddle. I spent the car ride trying to stump her, and of course my intellectual superior showed itself once again as I did just that.

"No." I smile, leading her past the black velvet ropes. Waiting in line was a waste of time for someone of my intellectual capability. I would not submit to that pathetic dimwitted level, and Oswald knew that. For the bouncers knew to let us right in.

"You don't look so gleeful about it." Lexi sighed,"Give me one more shot."

"Very well, you have until we reach our table." I say, knowing it gave her the false illusion of time. Did she really think I would be easy on her? I shake my head, giving the bouncer a nod as he motioned for us to follow a girl, she was one of the usual iceberg lounge girls. Sabrina Parker.

I notice Lexi's disapproving look at Parker's outfit, which is a skimpy purple dress that hardly covers anything. All of the lounge girls had the same unbelievable lack of humility or respect for themselves that Parker had when it came to a sense of style.

Sabrina leads the two of us in a room labeled VIP.  Lexi gasps as the door opens. I look over to see amazement in her eyes. I never realized that Oswald's lounge could actual appeal to some people. If you take out the fact that every man or woman in here is dirty. And, the fact, they all either know a guy that can take you out by the end of this evening or are that guy. Then I guess I can see the magic of being in a room where little penguins waddle around the center on an iceberg and snowflakes chandeliers hang from the ceiling.

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