Riddler's Night Out

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1:34 AM

Kate awakes from her dream in a feverous sweat. She takes a deep breath, running a hand through her hair to calm herself down. She shook her head as she pulled her single blanket closer to her, giving a small nod in reassurance before laying back down. What the young girl failed to realize was the cell next to her was completely empty.


The truth about Arkham was that everything of importance happen after dark. I proceed down the hallways of Arkham, making my way to Joker's cell block. It was simple to get in, for I am the most technological savvy inmate around here. Outside of Joker's cell was two male silhouettes, and one female. The five of us were meeting in secret to discuss the upcoming Summit. Penguin, Joker, Two Face, Ivy and Myself.

"Edward darling, we've been waiting for you." Poison Ivy's voice speaks softly, her hand grazing across my shoulder as she welcomed me. The only time Ivy was nice, was when she needed something from someone. "I was just informing the boys that Selena could not join us tonight because, someone, got her in trouble." Such a friendly tone for an incriminating accusation, Ivy's speciality. 

"Pamela, you are mistaken." I correct her, motioning a finger forward to stop her ramblings. "Riddle me this, why would I do something that I receive no benefit from?" I shake my head, noticing we were standing in half circle against Joker's cell.

I continue knowing it was best to change the subject before someone else brought up any reasonings. "My apologizes, we shall have a large room next time. Once I finish discontinuing the security feed that is." I flash a smile at Ivy, reminding all of them why they needed me. They needed my skills with disrupting the technology and intelligence around here so we can work freely.

"Good Ed." Penguin says, giving a small nod. "I think from what I've heard around the lounge is that Summit will take place in centers across the Gotham Pier, and the opening will be at town hall."

My mind drifts off from the boring conversation at hand, about where should the rogues make their grand entrance. Of course it would come down to where had the most cameras. The real riddle bothering me at this moment was why did Mia look so proud of herself. What was I missing? The image of her smirking as she laid down to rest bothered me. I hate when people give me a taste of my own medicine. The foolish girl couldn't have gotten one over on me, ridiculous. I am the Riddler. She had no right to smirk at me like that. I recall our conversation trying to decipher what I was missing. Did she want me to send Selena away? No, she needed Miss Kyle more than I did. Mia wouldn't play the queen's gambit just yet. I highly doubt Selena was her queen piece anyway.

Joker leans back in his cell, letting out a large burst of laughter. I tilt my head, noticing the Joker smirking at me, "sooo Eddio, who's the brunette?"

I rub my head groaning at the name. I held resentment towards the Joker with his name calling, yet he was too wild for me to threaten. I accepted Riddler or Ed, sometimes Edward. Never Eddie. It reminded me of a very unpleasant time. "What?" I say puzzled at first by the vague question.

Joker smirked, "I may not be in prisoners row with you all, but I have eyes and ears everywhere." He leaned forward towards the glass. "The girl in between Cat Lady and your cells."

"Some imbecile." I brush off his comment. Apparently gossip wasn't far above the other rouges, who was I kidding, their antics were children like at times.

"Purity" Penguin corrects me, making me roll my eyes at the unfitting name. I have been here less then a week and I've seen her steal, lie and manipulate. How was that pure?

Joker paused, repeating her name several times with a sly grin. "Purity, purity, purityyyyy." He chuckled, making a chill go down my spine as he said her name like that. 

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