From Purity to Prey

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*Warning Mature Implications*


One of the tell tale signs the Summit was approaching was the cold chill I would feel at night when Edward sneaks out. Often, I would find myself unable to follow him to wherever they met. The inmates were meeting more and more, which told me time was running out. Yet, I found myself on the outside peering in. They kept everything top secret, the only information I could pry came from Selena or Pamela. The two sirens gossiped more than Soccer Moms.

I move around Arkham like a ghost, creeping through the halls for information. I quickly sneak in the cafeteria, towards the two chatterboxes. My guess is I have about five to seven minutes before I would be noticed missing from my appointment at the medical ward.

Poison Ivy stared at her food in dismay. "How can they call us criminal when they serve us this crap!"  She groaned, nudging her plate away.

Selena smirked slyly, "That's why I have a health bar in my bra, I took it off the fat chump guarding the doorway." She looked proud of herself.

Pamela just rolls her eyes. "I hope Harley is treating my babies right, I hate that we have to be in here away from them...."

"Harley?" Shock radiated from Selena's voice. "I thought she didn't make it too Arkham? Too bad of injuries."

"That's the story I told Henry, the foolish guard transporting her, to tell. My babies cured her injuries no problem...She's perfectly healthy, physically that is. Poor girl still believes that pompous ass Joker is some Prince Charming." Pamela spoke in utter dismay. The way Joker treated women bothered her to the core.

I sigh, crossing my arms as I waited for the conversation to be interesting. Not that I didn't care about Harley, it's just her name wasn't one I want to be reminded of.

"Speaking of girls that are in for." Her voices lowers, even though Selena knew Ed would be at his therapy session. She never knew when Dr.Crane would cancel it for him. "You think Ed's keeping Perplexity around as a new hench woman. I mean Perplexity sounds like one of his kind of names...I mean we all know how he gets?"

And that's exactly why I usually avoided conversations with the word Harley in them.

"Purity?" Pamela shrugs, she eyes her nails trying to think. " I don't know, Eddie says he's working on her..."

A hint of concern fills Selena's voice, "Working how?

Pamela laughs, not understanding why Selena would ask her such a thing. "Please darling, I don't understand half the words that come out of that little nerds mouth, but if it keeps us a step ahead of the bats, I don't need too." I notice Selena shift in her seat, uncomfortable by that statement. Here I thought I was the only one whom didn't like to diss on Batman. Pamela leans in, "But he does claims it has to do something about the 'Christmas Party' we are all planning." She winks at Selena, which leads me to believe she is really talking about the World Summit.

"You believe that?" Selena said tilting her head.

"Not sure" Poison Ivy takes a sip of the water. She shrugs, "I don't know if the poor girl will last another couple weeks, with what he said at the lounge. I don't give the poor seedling much time."

"Oh dear" Selena seems a little put off by the fact.

Poor seedling, I am no ones poor seedling. What the heck did these two girls even know!? They have been stuck in Arkham for weeks, the paint fumes and unclear water must have gotten to their psychotic brains. None of them were smart enough to stay out of Arkham, I mean just last week Jervis was brought in, and yesterday Two Face and his gang of wackos were locked back up. Everyone was getting caught these days, was there any rouges even on the streets!?

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