The Mystery Begins

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I smile, running my hand against my glass cage. Such a simple home for myself, as I had let myself be captured by the Batman once more. It had been a month since they announced the wonderful news about the World Summit. Yet, I had hit a small wall when it came to planning what the rogues wanted from me. A wall would be an understatement. I loved the challenge they proposed of me, but it riddled away at me day by day. One man can escape Arkham without being noticed without a problem, but a mass breakout, without a single alarm being triggered. Now that was difficult. The solution, get myself in Arkham to see what I had to work with. Perhaps spend a month or two casing out the place that has been my second home since The Riddler and I have become one. I am sure a few weeks in Arkham and I would have a way for us all to get in and out cleanly.

As time ticked away, the dreaded recess period of Arkham arrived. Recess is normally where I had to deal with the imbeciles as they tried to show their strength in the courtyard. I yawn, sitting back in the shadow, sheltering myself from the sun. There was no need for giving inmates recreation, those fools that wrote the idiotic law should know that. The recess was usually a term used to classify the period were I sat to figure out how I would escape this hell hole. However, this time I was in here for a purpose. The World Summit was coming up and I was tasked with a way to make sure we all end up out of Arkham that night, then to leave the rest of Arkham guards and the more idiotic unworthy inmates burning in their cells.

My mind sends me a drift when I see my neighbor out at recess. Mia Rider, if I recall correctly. Observing for the past 24 hours I have come to note she always had a far off look in her eyes. Mia sat alone in thought, as if she was off somewhere else, somewhere better than here. I couldn't blame her, this place was a hindrance to say the least. But unlike us rouges, Mia choose to be here. I shake my head, not understanding why I gave this foolish girl any thought. But why did she imprison herself? Any sane person knows Arkham is more of a jail than a help center. But she is not sane, and if she is she is a fool obviously. But is she? Questions filled my mind, as I take another glance at her. She seemed far off in a daze, but no one was bothering her. Usually a pretty girl like herself would be at least pestered by some of Arkham's more rowdy inmates. The unusual perplexity bothered me enough to distract me from my planning. I decide to investigate her more. 

I had only proceeded two steps forward before a colleague of mine, interrupted my pursuit. 

 "Oh no no no!" Jervis cries out, shaking his hands in the air. The man looked distressed, running in front of me. " Blue caterpillar, I am sorry but it's too late, far too late. The White Queen is not to be disturbed at this date."

Jervis had a way of assigning names. To him I was the blue caterpillar, Absolem to be specific. I propose the name developed between the connection we both ask such intriguing questions. Jervis always picked such fitting names for us rouges. For example the Joker was Cheshire Cat because of his smile. I found it fascinating how much detail and attention he put his reality of wonderland and our identities.

The White Queen, an amusing character to say the least. Now how does she fit into Jervis' broken mind? Recalling the novel, the White Queen is seen as innocent when she is one of the more powerful beings in wonderland, one who believes in the impossible. Fitting from what I heard about this Mia. A girl who constantly fails to understand the simplest of realities. "Riddle me this Hatter, why can she not be disturbed?" I question, tilting my head in curiosity.

"Alice! Alice! The one without malice!" He chants, waving his hands frantically. "The White Queen says she will help me find Alice if all is silent as night, I can not have you startling her spells with a fright." Jervis muttered on, pulling a handful of his hair off his head. I take a step back, not wanting to wound the Mad Hatter to tight.

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