Two Perspectives, One Night

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5:45 PM


A few nights and the games continued, a couple inmates have been casualties to our chess match. Recess was no longer resentful as we each used the grounds as a chessboard, a game we both enjoyed to play. Of course Lexi would try to be difficult and get myself in trouble, as I treated her with the same respect. And the game wasn't limited to inmates, guards were blackmailed and even fired for the affairs they were foolish enough to have. Each day was filled with the ever changing question, who could outwit the other, and for how long? It helped keep my superior mind challenged while I searched for to solution to the Summit problem.

Today was no different than any other as I paced my cell, wrapping my mind around how we will all escape Arkham unnoticed. Anything too dramatic would call upon the Bat gang, we wouldn't make it to the boardwalk but anything too simple would result in failure. Then there is the problem how to get the scientists from the Summit back to Arkham for the final blow up. I shake my head, looking across the cell to see my neighbor, Alexandria sitting at the end of her bed, casually reading the Da Vinci Code like she did every day. Every now and then she would talk to herself, but besides that she seemed perfectly normal. Only thing that was odd was her reading habits. Her hand skimmed across the page, as she seemed to always be on the same part of the book. I wondered which part she felt called out to her most. Did it have a hidden meaning for her? Her eyes gently lifted from the novel, hearing the sound of food. The metal tray made a clunk noise as the guard dropped it in her cell. I squit, hardly able tell what this evening's dinner consisted of.

She put down her book, looking over her shoulder towards my cell. I force myself to look busy, not wanting her to know my attention was on her. It wasn't that I was stalking, just watching with a curiosity.

After a second, I gaze back over to her cell. That is when I notice Alexandria's back towards me. She was specifically blocking my view from something, how dare she try to hide it in such a blatant manner. "Now Alexandria, what are you up too?" I call out, finding my view blocked to be quite a disturbance.

"Please don't call me that." She speaks hushly, brushing her hair to one side. I have notice that to be a little habit of hers. Lexi usually touches her hair every 3-5 minutes if I have calculated correctly from my observations, which I always do.

"Well I refuse to call you Purity." I lower my voice, moving closer to her cell in attempts to see what she was up too. "Because we both know how accurate that name is."

I see her body language tense a little at my accusation. We both knew it to be true. "Lex works just fine." She speaks calmly, but I was already having too much fun messing with her. Plus I felt like I was being a bother, which made it more fun.

Too catch her attention I speak louder, "Now that does seem fitting-" Lexi turns to face me, I notice nothing infront of her but the tray. Why would she act like she was up to something when she wasn't? I tilt my head, "A perplexity sounds much more like your style"

She smirks seeing that I had moved to see what she was up to. I shake my head realizing what I had done. I just proved that I had been watching the whole time by reacting to her hiding something. I pretend to think nothing of it as I sit back down on the cot.

"That's not too bad, sounds like a mystery." Lex smirks, sitting on her bed with the mystery dinner Arkham supplies her. Her comment wasn't enough though, for she had to add, "Mystery's are much better than riddles."

"Watch where you step." I threaten, knowing if she wasn't careful Lexi would be dead for her foolish words. Riddles were my livelihood. I would not have that challenged.

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