Riddler on the Roof

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As the clock struck midnight, Edward sat up in his cell. He looked over beside him and took a deep breath. His eyes skimmed over to Perplexity laying still in her bed with her arms wrapped around a teddy bear, pretending to be asleep. She may appear to be asleep but Edward knew better. Normally, she would toss and turn, giving the look of utmost discomfort. Yet, his nature prevented him from refraining to ask a simple riddle.

"Riddle me this, what question can you never honestly say yes too?" A sly smirk appears on his face as the words left his mouth for in fact he found nothing more fascinating than a good late night riddle.

Ed's alluring voice calls out to catch Kate's ear. A riddle in the middle of the night, he must know I am awake. A small little smirk comes across her face as she figures out the riddle. "Are you asleep?" Kate responds, turning over to look at his cell. Kate is shocked to find he still remains in the glass prison. She smirks finding it cute how Edward's brown wavy hair looks ruffled from laying down.

"Precisely." Edward smirks, standing up. He stretches slightly, which makes her fight back a laugh. What was he up too? As of lately, that is the real riddle Kate struggled with.

"Come along now, I have an idea...." Edward commands as he starts to exit his cell. He acts as if it was normal for every inmate to grace in and out of their locked prison. Kate heart picks up pace, noticing a mischievous glimmer in his eyes he is up to something, but wasn't he always.

"You want me to follow.." I tiredly sit up, watching as he unlocked my door.

"That is what come along means." Edward rolls his eyes, as he rarely found explaining himself to be something worthy of his time.

"Is this a trap?" Kate questions, approaching slowly.

"You think if it was, I'd answer that honestly?" He smirks, watching her step out of my cell.

The danger with leaving the cell was clear to her. Edward is capable of a lot of things, framing her, killing her, Kate has seen the endless possibilities in her dreams. Kate knew better then to follow, but as of lately had the feeling like she could trust him. She stays quiet as they pass cells of other rouges, most of which asleep at this time. The hall lights were dark, however, their flickering provided dim light in the distance ahead of the couple.

"This way." His voice calls out in a hush whisper, leading up the staircase that only lead to the roof. Kate took one last glance behind her, her curious too strong to disobey him. She took her first step up the staircase with unease, each step further she felt excitement and adrenaline rushing through her.

Edward paused at the top of the staircase, seeing her lagging a little behind. His eyes were fixated on her beauty, even in her tired state she managed to look effortless while climbing. Perplexity is a liar. She is someone who is smart enough with her perceptions that it would be hard for me to convince people of her tricks and wrongdoings, which makes her dangerous. I could easily overpower her, throwing her off the rooftop of Arkham and make everyone believe it was a suicide. Too much for one girl to handle is what the newspapers would call it. It would be the perfect distraction for my escape. Internally, Edward wrestles with his inner self on what he intended to do when they reached the top. Normally, there was no conflict for him but his feelings for her made it challenging. However, she is a beautiful mystery. Edward thought looking back down the staircase, making eye contact with Perplexity as he opens the door for her. No, She needs to be solved first.

In that moment, Edward understood why he decided to bring her up to the rooftop. He looks over to see her gaze locked on the horizon. As close as she stood Ed could see her mind was lost in her own thoughts.

The skyline of Gotham is seen in the distance, different shades of blue and stars decorating the night sky. There was something graceful about the view, once Kate saw past the charcoal colored metal bars that surrounded Arkham. They were the only gates keeping the beauty of Gotham just out of reach. Outside was quiet, with little murmurs from guards down below. A small fog rolling in from the north, made this feel all as if it were but another dream to Kate. Her heart drops at the realization, could it be, could this be just another fabricated illusion of mine? She turns to Edward, unsure how to ask him such a question without sounding foolish.

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