Her Episode

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re·al·i·ty: the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.


A curling scream echoes through my cell in the middle of the night. I groan. Arkham is plagued with such sounds, but this one that bothered me is louder than normal. The rogues in our hallway were better than to be crying like a fool.Sure, most are idiots but the rouges in this hall are better behaved than to be screaming at such an hour. Annoyed, my eyes open to see what imbecile would soon to be dead for their outburst. I reach over beside my bed, fumbling for my glasses. I peak over in the cell beside me to see Perplexity in a hot sweat. Asleep and trembling, she gasped for air as if she couldn't breath. How curious. Perplexity seems fine being locked away in Arkham, almost calm with the situation. Then she falls asleep, and her mind torments her. I've seen how much she resents sleeping. For the first time I can see why.

I sigh, a voice in side told me it was better not to get involved but looking at her, so helpless against herself. I selfishly decide, the only way I will possibly get a peaceful nights rest was to wake her. I use my hack on the lock to get out of my cell once more, and return to hers. I take a deep breath, moving towards her bed. "Perplexity..." I shake her lightly in attempts to be delicate with the situation.

Her frighten blue eyes meet mine before quickly averting my gaze, "I-I didn't mean to. I didn't do it." She says frazzled, putting her hands up in defense.

In that moment it occurred to me, Lexi failed to realize she woke up. Another explanation could be she never thought she was asleep in the first place. Her body trembles in my hands as I continue to hold her, trying to understand what was happening. "Didn't do what? Are you okay?"

Her eyes dart around the room, uncertain where she was. Everything around us was black from nightfall, making the task difficult for her. "Dick." Her quiet voices drops, sounding so small in the darkness.

I smirk, finding it cute that she actually swore. There was a small bet going on between the rogues on how long it would take to get 'Purity' to swear once. If only the guys heard her, I think Dent would be collecting the cash from all of us.

"I can't...I can't." Tears welled up in her eyes, her skin becoming colder to the touch. In the weeks we've been at Arkham, I have never seen her this vulnerable. I can see how she looks around the room, uncertain that this is real.

There's an idea. I smirk, deciding that before Perplexity deciphers what around her was indeed reality, I will have a little fun. Consider it payment for waking me up. "Oh that" I state acting if I knew what she meant. I shake my head, "How do I know you didn't?"

"I am not a criminal, they know that."

They know that, as if the doctors and guards here cared about the difference. Still, I couldn't help but mess with her. "Yet." Such a simple word, indeed one that can cause trouble.

"What?" Her face looks almost pale, her expression dropping. My hand, which holds her wrist back could feel her pulse rapidly pumping. "I-I-I never meant to—-I went to Arkham, I went to save people! Not for more to be hurt..."

My eyes lit up hearing the word more, which would imply people were hurt in the first place. Her mystery continues to blossom before me. Now that's something that intrigued me dearly. Did she hurt someone in these delusion of hers, or did something happen prior to Arkham? This episode of hers stuns me, as it appeared for the first time Perplexity is clueless. Her mouth opens slightly as she stares at me, "This--This isn't real." Lexi calms a little, giving herself a small nod of reassurance. "Another stupid dream, why won't you go away...."

She's having dreams about me? I smirk, loving how easy the ability to gain information was at the moment. "Such a wise girl, of course this isn't real..." I allow her to continue on with her assumption. No need to embarrass her, anyways, I was learning a lot about the real Lexi. She looks at me in such an amusing way, I did not see hate or annoyance behind those tired eyes of hers. "Why are you here?" Lexi asks, her voice not sounding mad, more like she wanted me to be here. "Why are you in my head?" Me? In her head? She was the on plaguing my mind with thoughts late at night, disrupting my brainstorming sessions. Well, I guess we were both in each others head from the sounds of it.

"I think you know the answer to that." I tease her, staying close by. I hoped in her dull state she would speak her opinions allowed, maybe confirming a suspension of mine.

"This isn't right." She mumbles softly to herself, clutching the bear she valued dearly to her chest.

"Well your mind's not right, do you expect correct and plausible dreams?" I ask, twisting her words with the uttermost simplicity.

"No...I'm fine. I'm not crazy..." Lexi reassures herself, acting as if I were a mere ghost of her inner thoughts. "I can't be going crazy...." She started to tear up, looking scared for once. "This isn't real, none of this is fucking real." Lexi twisted a curl of hers around her finger. "I am not in Arkham so you can just go away!"

"Is that what you want?" I ask curious, did she really want me to leave her alone? I mean if she asked me I wouldn't, but did she dream that I never spoke to her. Lexi freezes at my question. I can see it. She is lying as we speak, she did not look like someone who wanted me to go away.

"It doesn't matter. You're not him. You're not real." Lexi says quietly, looking away. Oddly, her words hurt a little.

"Well then, I think it's time for a better dream." The words fall out of my mouth as I guide her to lay back down.

"How will I know it won't be worse?" Lexi questions as I pull the blanket around her. "Stay" Her hand reaches over to mine taking it. "Please..if you leave I'll have to go on to another dream...one that I have less control over."

"Stay? Now what would we ever do if I stay." I decide to mess with her a little, leaning in towards her. Lexi has avoided any attempt I made to confirm a suspicion of mine. This had to work. I lower my voice slightly as I lingered over her. "Do you have any ideas?"

Her eyes were locked on my lips for a second. I notice for the first time how close we were to one another. I wish I knew what she was thinking at this moment. The whole situation felt weird, knowing she had not a clue this was real. That didn't change the fact my joke about kissing her didn't cause her to look frighten or grossed out. She just lingered there right in front of me. In fact if I knew better I would say her eyes gleamed with a little excitement.

I shake my head, not wanting to manipulate her like this just for a simple kiss. I clear my throat, "Close your eyes maybe in your next dream..." I brush her hair back, noticing a little disappointment in those blue eyes of hers. She nods, leaning back on the pillow. Her hand slowly lets go of mine as she goes back into a slumber.

"Goodnight Perplexity." I whisper softly, watching her fall back into a peaceful slumber. 

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