Perplexity's Vistor

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~Riddler's POV~

All was silent in Jonathan's office until the abrupt slamming of his door. The Doctor's eyes slowly trail up to find me towering over his desk, before returning to his work. I planned on coming in calm, composed, but after his avoidance of me, I can hold in my rage no longer. I stood above his desk, waiting for his acknowledgment, his apology, but none dared to slip from his lips. My fist pounds into Jonathan's desk, rattling the pencils on the table.

"May I help you?" Jonathan disrespected her by acting as nothing had happened. As if everything had been alright since she returned from his treatment session. He spoke calmly, not willing to give me the respect I deserved to look me in the eyes. A dark look passed in my eyes as I knocked all the papers off of Jonathan's desk. They flew in the air and all about, my voice immediately raises in tone.

"YOU REALLY HAD TO DRUG HER! YOU SELFISH ASS- HOW COULD YOU! She hardly can deal with reality as is! BUT NO! No you had to go ahead and try your toxin on her too!"

All I see is red as I glare down at my so-called friend. Jonathan may have a kinky obsession with fear and his work and I accepted that fact was known. We all had our hobbies, the things that make us tic I told him my Perplexity was off-limits.

Since she has returned my nights have become sleepless, staying awake from the endless sniffles and sorrows coming from the room next door. It was a mystery the poor girl hadn't become dehydrated from her days of crying. Her beautiful face stained with tears from her inability to come back to reality.

Dr. Crane spoke not a word. Jonathan knew better than to try to speak during his friend's irrational rants. His eyes remain on his computer, retyping his observations of the young lady.

Tired of his composure, and lack of respect I shove him out of the chair. Jonathan is thrown to the floor, "You didn't have to hurt her! Why did you test on her like that!"

"I was curious." Jonathan dusts himself off. 

Does Jonathan even understand the severity of his actions? Perplexity is fragile with a mind like one I have never seen before. "Curious doesn't mean shoving a needle up her fucking arm" I glare meeting Jonathan's eyes.

His expression darkens into the look of Scarecrow, I take a step back. Ready for his darker side to dare to debate me. Challenge me.  I watch his hands, making sure there was no spray within his reach. After what he did, there better be a better explanation then curiosity.

His shrill voice speaks in a challenging yet calm matter, "Do you know what she fears?" The hairs on my arm stand up, seeing his darker side amusement at my emotional outburst. "Well Edward, do you know." He walks around me, not letting our eyes disconnect. His smirk a dangerous one. "Do you know what she fears, her deepest darkest fear."

My heart starts to pound against my chest. I am the Riddler. I know everything and everything. How dare he challenge my vast wit. I refuse to admit in my wealth of knowledge I lack that detail of my own girl. Scarecrow knew me from my sessions. Jonathan held no doubt that I did not just want to know everything, I needed to know. I shake my head, not willing to admit my slightest hint of curiosity. There is no reason, no excuse for what he did to her.

"I don't care." The three words leave a horrible taste in my mouth. I hate lies, the foolishness of them. He knew that. An unsettling smile falls on Scarecrow's lips, hearing my words. His smile creates chilling goosebumps on my skin.

"You.don'" He repeats, mocking me and reclining in his chair. "You should."

Like many others, Jonathan had an inferior intelligence than my own. Fears were not the most valuable type of information there was. Why would I, The Riddler, care about something so petty as that. Everyone has fears, just like everyone had secrets. Secrets are what I cared about, not a childish fear. I want to know so much more about my Perplexity. Why would I care if the young lady was frightful of spiders or clowns? A tiresome groan escapes me, feeling like his charade is to get out of what he did to her. No explanation can make me forgive him for his experiment.  "Jon. As I have told you before I don't care. I don't get why you obsess-"

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