JM reached Sky's shirt and pulled him back. Sky pushed JM backwards rashly and JM loosened his hand on Sky's shirt that made Sky rush away after turning back.

I rushed to JM's direction that quickly stood up.

" He's too stubborn. " JM said with a rough voice while taking away the dirt from his clothes.

He dashed to follow Sky again and I followed behind him.

It's hard to follow Sky with his flashing speed ability!

JM suddenly disappeared infront of me and and stood behind Sky, pulling him to the ground.

I summoned the wind to fasten my speed. They are roughly fifty meters away from me.

I can't hear any voice. Sky just stood up and JM just looked at him.

And finally, I reached them. And they're just silent, glaring at each other, in a violent way.

" What do you want!? " Sky spat on JM's face. Since I don't know much, I think it's better not to meddle in here.

" Stop this! Did you hear your mother!? He is your father! Do you not believe your mother! What you're doing is useless! This is such NONSENSE!!! And your world!? Who cares for it! Think about our— "

My eyes widened. Sky punched JM's face.

" How could you! All those years you made me believe that you're a trustworthy friend! Now you don't even care for me! And, I'd like to remind you that, YOU DON'T KNOW MY MOTHER! " Sky aimed another fist to JM's face,

but JM grabbed his arm before it landed. JM threw his arm away and grabbed Sky's collar.

" I'm just saying that you should also care for the WORLD! The REAL world! Yes, I never had my mother, but I know that if she's here, she won't lie to me in this tough predicament we are in. " JM spat on Sky's face. " No mother would like to see their son suffer because of their lies. You're lucky that you have a mother. " JM threw Sky on the grassy ground with a thump. " And another thing,

wake up. The whole world is at stake here. Be sensitive. "

JM then harshly pulled my shirt and went near Sky's position. Which ached a lot! JM tapped Sky's shoulder and—

" You're back! " A guy with light green hair smiled. His smile turned into a frown after seeing the violence. " What is happening here? "

" None of your business. " JM rashly answered, still holding me. He looked up at the guy with a glare and turned his face to Sky. " Hear the truth from him. "

JM then pushed Sky on the ground hardly that made the man gawk.

" Is Alforo his father? " JM asked, glaring at the man.

" What are you talking about? " The man asked, shaking a bit.

" Don't lie to me. And stop wasting our time. " JM commanded. The man, just gulped.

" I have nothing— " " You said that Alforo gave you the orb necklace hundreds of years ago to give it to his descentier at the right time right? " JM said, dauntless. The man nodded his head hesitantly. " Then why did his mother say that Alforo is his father? "

The man stepped back, totally shocked at what JM had said. Sweat started forming from his forehead. " W-what are you saying? " The man said in a shaky voice. " I do not know anything. "

" Liar. " JM said coldly.

Another man with grayish-white hair approached our direction. " What is happening here. And what are these people doing in our territory? " He asked in his grumpy voice with a cold stare. They look like near in twenties. " Especially this man. " He gazed at me.

" He's our friend, don't worry. " Okay...

So they know this guys!

" He must be Ken. " The man with green hair returned to his gentle and calm state.

JM nodded.

" Ken, pleased to meet you. We are the three hidden phrophecies. We existed since nine-hundred years ago. We're a close friend of Alforo and the one that gave the necklace to Sky. " The guy with white hair said, and smiled meekly at me.

" By the way, where's Clark? " The green-haired guy asked.

" I don't know. Resting I guess. " The white-haired guy answered.

" Ken, this is Lucio and Allen. " JM said, pointing at the two. So the guy with white hair is Lucio and the guy with green hair is Allen. " Before everything, is Alforo Sky's father? "

" Ho— " " I think it's time. " Lucio said and gazed sincerely at us. Sky still lied on the ground. " Yes. Alforo wanted us to hide the truth, that's why we constructed a story. The orb is your father's gift to you to protect your self. "

" You heard it. Now we don't have any time to waste. " JM said and tapped Sky's head, and in a blink, we are in the living room of the house where we are earlier.

We stood there and Sky fell from the air to the floor that made him grunt.

JM silently left and Sky also did.

Alforo is Sky's father. Now it's clear. They were arguing because Sky won't believe it. That's the reason why JM brought us to that forest.

But I don't know the reason why I had to be there.

Maybe I need to tell Breanne of what happened.

I walked through the dining room and saw Breanne sitting at one of the chairs.

" Where are the others? " I asked and sat on the chair opposite to hers.

" Akeela decided to leave earlier to govern Laurasia and Sky's mother went to her room. " Breanne stated in her blank voice. " Where's Sky? "

" Actually, I came here to tell you that...
We went to a forest earlier and we met a guy, that they already knew, and which are the ones that have Sky his necklace. And...
They told us that Alforor is his father. Because, Sky has second thoughts. " Maybe I had too much of the long pause.

" Who are these men? " Breanne asked.

" They say that they are the three hidden phrophecies. " I stated and Breanne sighed.

Strangely, the wind blew strong.

It is not me okay!

And after it, three men in cloaks appeared on the other side of the round table.


" Did you summon us?


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