It might seem childish of me to do such course of action toward Helen and I was aware that I've been rude. But, so what?

Though I was mentally an adult, my body was physically a child's.

And I dare not be ashamed of myself for being so unmannerly since I would do all the means to bring down those that offended me in my past life.

After hearing my phrase, I could tell that Helen felt offended once I glimpsed at her hand that shivered out of infuriation.

Helen might've been a person that could hide her emotions well. But what she didn't know was that her hands couldn't bear to endure what she felt from deep inside.

The way her hands were clenched as it trembled right now was a perfect example of it.

And thinking that the situation would be more amusing, I genuinely smiled at the maid as if I was mocking her.

You want to play fakes with me? Let's see who'll take off her mask first.

"I will humbly refuse the offer, Miss Helen. I could handle things on my own. And thus, you are now dismissed."

"Milady, only children would throw tantrums like you do right now.", she said.

What? So she's saying that a seven-year-old isn't considered as a child? She must've banged her head somewhere for her to think that way.

"But what if I want to do so, Miss Helen?", I bluntly asked with the same smile on my face.

Then, the servant stiffened up after a flinch.

Helen was out of words after she witnessed how bold I was while I deflected her phrase. She probably never expected that I would answer that way, that her brows furrowed as if her mask was slowly drifting away.

But in spite of how funny her reaction has become, I kept my composure in order to win the battle.

And after a momentary silence between the two of us, Helen finally opened her lips.

"That could only be you, being selfish Milady..."

"So what if I am? It's none of your concern on how I should behave, am I not correct?"

Thereafter, the grip of Helen's fist tightened further.

Apparently, she knew that I had a point. And so, the reason why she couldn't reply back would be because she had no right to correct my words which were precise from the start.

"Based from your reaction, you must've known that you had no authority to rule over me. And yet, what kind of complaint did I hear earlier?"

"T-that is-!"

"Oh my! Was it because you wanted me to retail this to father?", I questioned, resulting her eyes to widen with regret.

Regret, for being so daring to ridicule the daughter of the Master.

She kneeled before me, then, with fear and acted as if she was begging for me to pardon her mistake.

"A-anything but that...!!!", the maid pleaded with terror.

As soon as I mentioned the Duke, the fear that Helen felt overcame the thick mask that she held all this time.

For her to give in that easily after hearing the word, 'father' from my mouth. That time, I could only think of one word to define her current state from head to toe.


To think that I thought of Helen as the worst of the worst enemy of mine, in my past life.

I could only let out a sigh.

Even still, I would never forget the slapping that she gave me back then and neither will I forgive her that easily.

That's why-

"Fine. I'll let you go.", I said with a serious expression to the her that brightened up after perceiving my decision.

"BUT IN EXCHANGE, STAND.", I commanded, interrupting in the midst of her blissfulness.

Helen, then, looked nervous as she slowly stood with wonder while she was concerned of what I would do to her.

"Are you left-handed or right-handed?"

"I- I am right-handed, Miss..."

After I heard Helen's reply, I held out my left hand to her.

"Your right hand.", I requested with a straight face.

Then, the maid reached out her hand to me, worriedly.

As I prevented time to get wasted for any longer, I quickly grabbed her hand and directly slapped it onto my left cheek with brute force.

And while the sound of its hitting on my face echoed around the room, I was thrown to the cold floor.

Thereafter, I had an antagonistic yet genuine smile while I looked at Helen, who panicked because of the quick turning of events.


Let the show begin.~

I Promise, I'll Leave! But, With No Regrets!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon