Chaptet Fifty Five- Nasty Fame

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Chyna's POV

"I liked you the first day I saw you Chyna, I spent years trying to find you, you heard my sister. You were the woman I aimed to marry" he told me as his palm rest against my cheek.

"But you didn't" I whispered.

I bit my lower lip, Kenton's eyes falling there immediately. He leaned in and I allowed him to kiss me, my body doing something strange.

I didn't shake. I relaxed completely and allow him to capture my lips.

I pulled the lever at the side of the seat, my seat going downwards. Kenton removed his ring, his seat doing downwards and my lips met his once again.

His hands toyed with my rather small waist, my hands on his jaw as his tongue roamed my mouth. The fabric was torn, my bra and stomach now naked to his warm hands.

He straddled me, my hips lying between his legs as he stared down at me with moist pink lips. I blink up at him, his jacket being pulled downwards by my hands.

"Someone could see us" I mumbled as he lowered uncomfortably to kiss my neck. I moan the moment his tongue trailed me, one hand holding the back of my head while the other massaged my back.

"Not with my car and if they could, I really don't care" he told me, his head dipping so he could capture my left nipple in his mouth. I moaned, his hand roaming my body in a thirsty manner.

"We can't help you if you keep zoning out like that" Zedd told me and I took a deep breath.

"Don't be so hard on her" Mara stated and I took a sip of my water.

"No it's fine. He is right" I stated as I placed the glass down.

It's like where ever I went the nasty rumors followed me and they grew worse each time. All persons seated in this restaurant eyed me whenever they got the chance to.

If this was my way to fame I really didnt want it.

One of the waitress gazed at the TV screen which was speaking to Kenton's suspected affair. She turned to gaze at me and I looked away as though I was oblivious to entire situation.

Would this ever end?

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea" Paris stated as she stared up at her husband. He gazed down at her.

"Chyna if you-"

"No Vincent, it's fine. The food is good" I told him but in truth, I was tearing apart on the inside.

Sasha's phone rang, the blond standing immediately. She gazed at us, the call being answered only for her to cover the speaker.

"I'm sorry guys but I have to take this" she told us as she excused herself. Mara dined as though she hadn't eaten in days, Paris eyeing her strangely.

"Damn baby, I'm just as tasty" Zedd stated and Vincent smacked the back of his head while I rolled my eyes. Mara gave him the finger, filled mouth preventing her from issuing a rude reply.

Only Zedd. He would flirt his way to death.

I jerked the moment my phone vibrated in my pocket. I removed the device; one new message.


It was never my intention to hurt you and I really didn't aim for it to be this way. I was selfish in my doing and every time we make love all I can see is the love in your eyes.

You love me and I have been nothing but selfish. What I'm sure of is that you are no fool and you asked questions you already had answers to.

I'm a gentleman and while you may never speak to me again I will always care about you.

I'm sorry for the harm I caused you but these are words coming from my heart. When I reunited with you my wife and I were in the process of divorce. In fact, we still are.

If I had no intention of a serious relationship I would never allowed myself to have sex with you. I'm not pleased to manipulate a woman and I know thats exactly what you think I did.

I had hope of our relationship going public but not this way. I would never lie about my marriage so the question you asked is one that I couldn't really answer.

I would not fill your head with the lie of a divorce that was not confirmed. I don't say things I'm not sure of Chyna so until my divorce was concrete I'm married.

I read the tabloids and for all the things said about you I'm truly sorry. If only they knew how pure you are.

I'm the monster because I placed two women in this harsh situation.

With all due respect you deserve revenge and as a result you are free to expose this message.

I love you.

The message ended there, my eyes moist once again as I placed the device to my pocket. The message was familiar because I had read some of it before.

What surprised  was the fact the message was aimed for. How can affto  romantic in this live horror movie.

I lift my gaze upwards as i swallowe hard. To my surprise everyone were busy enjoying their meal.

I'm thankful, food would always be man's greatest distraction.

"Guys I have good news!" Sasha exclaimed as she took a sit. I blink back my tears as I stares at her.

"You are paying for a second round?" Mara asked and Sasha stared at her oddly.

"What? Of course not, I can't take another dish" Sasha stated as she placed her phone on table.

Mara shrugged as she continued to enjoy her meal.

"I'm officially devoirced and my restraining order was a success" Sasha told us and at the mention of the word divorce I wanted to cry.

I refrained.

"Thats great" Zedd stated and somehow I heard too much happiness in that statement. Sasha smiled, her blond hair being placed around her finger.

"Also, I've been the biggest contract of my life with the biggest modeling agency in the US" she told us and Zedd turned to look at her.

"You're quiting your job?" He asked and she looked at him strangely.

"No, of course not. Modeling is more of a hobby for me remember. I will be making a lots more cash" she told us and Zedd relaxed somewhat.

She reached across and took my hand.

"Until things get better for you I'm staying with you" she told me and that was really sweet. I could not be selfish however.

"What about your place? You really want to leave that unmanned ?" I asked.

"My workers are there. We are all serious about being here for you Chyna" she told me and Mara gave me a small smile.

"Thank you. All of you" I stated as I looked at each and every one of my friends.

"Shit, we need to get back to work in the next five minutes" Zedd stated as he stood.

"Well come by later" Paris told me as she hugged me.

"I'm looking forward to it so don't you two get my hope up"  I teased and Paris chuckled. I then hugged Mara.

"Have a good day now babe, if a butch want to act crazy don't be afraid to call" Mara told me and I chuckled.

"Bye, bye guys" I waved as we went our separate ways. Sasha joined Zedd while I made myself comfortable in the backseat.

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