Chapter Thirty Four- The Male Perspective

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Chyna's POV

When it came to Mara's listening abilities they were rather poor. Her ears worked when they wanted to.

For the past few minutes all I ever did was waste my time and energy speaking to her. She was busy caring for her egg.

"Mara are you even listening to me?" I asked and Mara pulled her head from the babies crib immediately.

"Huh?" She asked and I shook my head at her.

"One of my girls just smiled at me in her sleep" she squealed like a pig, my left eye rocking in a tempting manner.

Gosh I needed to roll my eye so badly.

"If she's asleep how do you even know she is smiling at you?" I asked as I still could not wrap my head around her statement.

The child could be dreaming.

"She sensed me, she sensed the presence of her ma" was her stupid reply and I only stared. By the love of the gods out there, don't make me this way when I become a mother.

"Yes dear, as you were saying" she stated as she lead me out of the kid's room to the living area. Mara was home alone until four am when David gets back from the hospital.

Honestly I never saw david as the doctor type but here we are. I sat on the sofa, Mara handing me a glass of wine.

She supposed hers like liquid gold.

"Finally I can drink" she smiled and I shook my head at her.

"I have a business trip" I repeated for the sixth time, Mara finally giving the expression I expected earlier.

"What!?" She asked as she used her fingers to stop the wine tempting to leave her lips.

"Wait didn't you call me crying today saying he fired you?" Mara carried on.

"He did...he just changed his mind" I told her and she smiled.

"He likes you" was all she could give me and I rolled my left eye. Not a chance, that man was bitter towards me.

"Whatever Mara, according to Kenton we leave Wednesday so the four of us aren't supposed to be at work that day" I told her and Mara placed her glass down to stare at me.

"Has he made his move yet?" She asked and I turned my head so fast I almost broke my neck.

"What?" I asked as I held my likely fractured neck. Mara on the other hand, for the very first time was serious.

"You are aware that its a matter of time before he makes his move right?" She asked and I stared at her.

"He's married Mara, I told you what I saw" I told her.

"He liked you from his time of being your teacher, seeing you now, do really think that would change? If you understood the way makes think you would know exactly why I'm saying this. If he's such a badass as you say and he chose not to fire you that says something" she told me and I scratched my hair.

"He changed his mind because I am one of his best employees" I corrected her. Mara laughed.

"He changed his mind because if you should relocate, he may never see you again" Mara told me and I bit my lip.

"I think I'm in love with him Mara but when I see the ring on his finger I try to hate him" I told her truthfully. Mara hugged me.

"I hope to hear of an affair, even once but if it should break your heart, avoid it at all cost" she told me truthfully.

"I don't know how to be with a man" I also confessed and she stared at me. I broke the embrace, my stare showing her how honest I was being.

"Vincent could teach you" when she said that I choked on my wine.

"He's my friend" I told her, wine lodge I'm my throat.

"The exact reason he should do it, he won't hurt you" she told me. I groaned.

"Mara I am devoted to my work, I don't need the big D" I told her.

"You have small ones too" and the moment she said that I threw a book at her head.

I jerked when my phone begun vibrating, the device being pulled from my pocket swiftly. Vincent's name flashed across the screen and Mara gazed at the device with a smirk.

I stood, my ass landing in the guest bedroom of the house. Closing the door I answered the call, Vincent's head fixed to his paperwork.

Busy as usual.

"Hey" my throat was parched, his eyes falling on me instantly. He removed his tie, his face bright.

Well someone missed me it seemed.

"Mara told me to call you, says you have a issue she can't help with" he told me and I almost choked.

Damn it! That girl was really something else.

"Um... Did she tell you what the issue was?" I asked and he looked puzzled.

"No, why would she?" He asked and I bit on my lower lip. Good, things were going rather smooth.

"I need a favour" I told him as he wrote something down. He nodded for me to continue.

"Is it rather important, I have a business trip comong soon and I need my sleep" he told me and I bit my lip.

What if Vincent and I end up seeing each other?

Nah, quite unlikely.

"Vincent I don't know how to be with a man in bed" the moment I said that his head went up.

He looked like a frightened cat.

"What?!" He asked as he stretched the first letter. I regret what I said immediately.

He got up from his seat immediately, a click sound filling my ear. I was seeing his shoulders as he gathered his paper works.

"And what exactly did Mara ask you to do?" He asked as shuffling filled my ear.

"Vincent I'm no longer a child and I have no idea what sex should be like" I told him as he sat. He stared at me.

"Okay" was his dry reply.

"I don't know anything about sex because my only experience was forced" I told him.

"I am aware, but I have no idea as to why Mara directed my help" he continued.

"Because you are a male and I need a male perspective" I told him.

"Its Kenton huh?" He asked and I felt guilty because deep down I knew Vincent cared for me.

"I'm sorry" I told him and he placed his fist to his cheek.

"Take your work clothes off" the moment he said that I jerked.

What the hell did my best friend just ask me to do?

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