Chapter Three- Dreaded

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I think they lied. I think that each and everyone of them lied.

They lied when they said that only ghost that haunt people. 

They lied when they said fear only came from paranormal myths and from the subconscious. They were all lies because based on the events of last night I was now afraid of everything and everyone around me.

The worst part was I had no one to protect me because the mother I had believed in no such thing. Selfish and arrogant, that was all she would ever be and I think its the greatest sin to refer to her as a mother.

She ran a household that was quite loose.  One that had no foundation, the only thing firm in this house were the walls and even with firm walls a lot of bullshit occured.. To be quite honest it was as though she was not in my life.

If she were I would not have faced such an horrific event. Again, not only ghosts could haunt you.

People haunt people and when this occurred the fear within you was far worse than the paranormal. That fear would never leave because while most things that are paranormal were myths, the situation that lead to one fearing someone was very much real.

You were in that scenario once again the very moment you closed your eyes. This was far worst than fearing the paranormal because while there was a slight chance that what you feared could not hurt you, a real man can.

"Hey, you okay?" and when Mara touched my shoulder one out of two things could have happened.

 I was either on the verge of sending my skeleton and flesh in two different directions or I could have simply turned and punched my best friend in the face. I think I was closer to the latter however.

 I refrained from both.

"Pete's sake Mara, must you always creep up on people like that?" I asked as I clutched my books tighter, my way of preventing me from smacking her on that brain deprived head of hers. Why the hell must she always do this?

If scaring the shit out of people was not her hobby then I had no idea what Mara's hobby was.

"Relax honey, I didn't see you in first period remember and you don't have a phone like the rest of us" Mara stated with an eye roll and while I knew it was not in her intention her statement came off quite offensive. The look in her eyes showed me that she caught on to how I felt.

"Hey, I'm sorry I didn't..."

"Mara its fine, you were only kidding" I told her but knowing the friend I had I knew she would only continue to find ways to apologize. 

"No its not fine, in fact I was quite rude" She continued and I rolled my eyes. Why is it she allowed the smallest things in to bother her?

"Well I'm off to Chemistry class, meet you in the parking lot after class" I told Mara who yawned as though she would take in the entire planet earth any minute now.

"Yeah and I'm off to free period" Mara replied and this only sent question marks over my head. What the hell?

Only the seniors were granted such privileges. The last time I checked we were junior students.

"Free period?" I asked as my brain was still trying to process what my best friend said.

"Math class but you know how that old witch gets...she'll talk us all to sleep" she stated as she fake snored with her eyes half closed. I chuckled slightly, my best friend could be so much of drama queen when she wanted to be.

"Muah!" she added with a smile as she skipped towards her classroom.


I had to catch my very own head for the tenth time and I was half awake and half asleep.  While this class was rather vibrant I had no love for the subject.

Mr Kenton was an excellent teacher but I honestly believe he chose the wrong subject to teach.

"Everyone got that right?" Mr Kenton asked and if I should be quite honest getting a collage graduate to teach a class of fifty may not be the best idea. No one listen and due to the excess chatter no one learned.

 I stared at the formula before me, my eyes dazzling as my brain went for a walk. Maybe walking with it would be a great idea.

"Um sir, I didn't quite get the last part" One of the school's whore asked and I really think that question needed translation. This girl cared about nothing driven by academics so her questions were always asked with an aim.

'Sir, how do my boobs look', ah, that more sounded like the question she issued. the way in which she leaned over her desk proved this.

"What exactly or would you like me to go over?" he asked.

"I don't quite get any of this" she stated and I felt like throwing a brick at her head.

 "The entire thing?" the man asked and the moment he erased the entire formula one of the class geeks screamed. By such a scream I am assuming it was a female that screamed.

"Gosh I hate this class" the girl that had been sleep for half an hour stated and I glanced at her. By the next few seconds I could hear her snoring once again.

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 I do apologize for the late update.

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