Chapter Six- Best Friends

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"You heard the news too huh?" Mara asked me the moment she exit her class. Well it was about damn time, it feels like I had been standing by the door for hours. 

Why is it her sessions seemed to be so much longer than my sessions? What the hell were they teaching her?

"Mr Kenton informed us after the pop quiz I failed" I told her as I adjusted my tacky bag, the strap now hugging me in perfection.

"You didn't fail sweetie" she tried but really there was no need for her to. I was old enough to know the areas I was not so comfortable with.

Chemistry was  one such area. Let us not mention the area of mathematics.

"Oh I failed alright" I told her and Mara shook her head at me, her hair being wrapped in a tight ponytail.

"I hear that he will be teaching English and the fact that she thought my class and your class rumor has it that he might combine our classes" she told me.

Combine Classes? A Class with my best friend sounded more than amazing as I would get my ultimate dream.

"That would be amazing Mara, at least we would have one class together" I told her as well both had different schedules.

We both faced each other hand in hand before issuing a huge scream. Passers by looked at us as though we were crazy but to be quite honest we didn't really care. This was fabulous news.  

"You read my mind best friend" Mara told me as we descended stairs.

"That's what I do" I told her with a wink, Mara's mom smiling the moment her eyes fell on us.

"Hello girls" she greeted the moment we got in, my lips issuing a shy smile.

"Hi" I greeted and Mara rolled her eyes.

"Hello dear, I do hope you don't mind fast food tonight because with the work load I have tonight I won't be able to make dinner tonight" she told me as she glance at me with the aid of the mirror.

"That's fine" I told her as truth be told I was quite grateful that I was getting something to eat. At home things were very much different.


"What are doing?" Mara asked me as she stuffed her face. I gazed up at her, my pen still above paper.

At this moment she sounded like a bird wh needles to the throat. That was rather terrible when your aim was to get something done and done quickly.

"Doing the essay I had for English class, with that man as my new teacher I will never hear the end of it. Failing Chemistry is one but English? Hell no" I told her and the moment I smiled the sauce from her chicken fell on my paper.

My left eye became the wheel on the bus and my lips straightened. I gazed up at my best friend, her eyes fixed on the sauce on my almost completed essay. That meant one thing and one thing only, I had to rewrite the entire two pages I had.

Mara gave a wide and impish grin, my left eye still spinning as I held my gaze. By the love of god, would throwing her out of the window of her bedroom be a crime?

To be quite honest she deserved it. 

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" she told me a I grind my teeth against each other. If she kept silent I honestly think the damage would not be a great one.

I count to ten rather slowly and it worked like a charm as my eye stopped spinning and I could now look at my best friend without murderous thoughts. I gave the best smile I could possibly give.

"It's fine" I told her as Mara gazed at me with a stuffed mouth.

"Are you sure?" I was asked and the bomb within me ticked. I would not allow it to go off on my best friend however. 

"Yes Mara, I am fine" I told her camly and she smiled at me greatly.

"Good I thought for a second there you were going to kill me" she told me and I smirked.

Don't Temp Me.

"Everything is fine Mara, do not make it worst" I told her and it was the fastest I saw my friend sat down. She smiled at me.

"David asked me out yesterday!" she exclaimed and I cringed at he very name.

"The jerk that plays on the football team?" I asked an Mara's brow shot up a mile.

"Hey, he is not a jerk once you get to know him" I was told and I scoffed.

"Love is blind indeed, he only treats you differently because he likes you Mara. He's an asshole to the rest of us" I told her and she seemed sadden by my words. I pat her shoulder gently.

"Cheer up Mara, You know I only wish the best for you, I don't want this guy to hurt you" I told her as she hugged me.

"He won't because I will be on my guard, jocks do have a bad reputation" she told me and I laughed, well that much was true. They were all about sex and sex only.

"Well it will be so nice for us to be in the same English session" Mara buzzed like bee and I tightened me hold on her. 

I was really looking forward to my year with Mara.

This should have been given yesterday but work did not allow it. Really do hope you guys love this chapter and looking forward to those feedbacks :)

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