Chapter Eight- Potential

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I blink as the class cleared and the man who found it rather important sat on his desk. He looked at me, my lips turning on their own accord.

Mara who spitefully ensured that she was the last one to leave gave me a naughty wink. I gave her the lovely finger the moment he dipped into a group of papers.

His brow arched when he turned to face me, by this time Mara had left. I crossed my arms and stared back.

"Okay little Asian, why is it you hate chemistry?" He asked me and I crossed my arms.

Well...did he really want my honest answer because honestly Chemistry was the worst fucking subject in this world.

"Who said I hate the subject?" I asked, Kenton giving me an evil glare before he smiled just to show that he wore braces.

Looked like a good looking geek to me. My eyes fell on his empty fingers, a lonely geek at that.

You know I never noticed how much of a nerd he was.

"You had the lowest score of five percent" he told me and I choked.

Holy shit!

"What?!" I screamed as I was a fool in chemistry but not that foolish. I had never scored a five percent on anything in my life.

Chemistry would be my first it seems...

"Yes, I marked it twice" he told me and I did not know it was possible to choke on air until today.

"You must be mistaken Sir" I told him firmly and he laughed.

"I'm just fucking around, you held the highest grade of seventy eight" he told me and I placed a lock of hair behind my ear.

Now I actually believe what he said first. Jenifer or someone else must have gotten that grade because I despise his chemistry session.

"No I did not, you are joking again" I told him and he shook his head in disagreement.

"You did, and I am quite glad I stopped you from fucking up the other questions due to limited timing" I was told, a small thing inside me throbbing.

I was a one hell of a smart girl but failed to believe it. I smiled at my teacher.

"Thank you" I replied and he nodded with a smile.

"What for? Just hold the same enthusiasm you hold for English and you should be fine little Asian" I was told and I nodded.

Something was going to change in regards to how I treated academics. If I truly want to leave my bitter lifestyle because then education was the only way to do it.


"Bitch he likes you" Mara carried on and I grit my teeth. Where the hell would she get such an idea?

"Well if I were a bitch I could agree with you Mara" I told my best friend as I stared at the text before me.

"I'm serious, the entire class he kept stealing glances at you. He's not old so you don't have to feel ashamed, he's twenty three based on what I heard" she told me and I gazed at her from my position on the old sofa.

"That is a huge age gap from Fourteen Mara" I corrected her, Mara smiling.

I eyed her strangely, what was she all smiley about?

"What?!" I asked and her smile grew wider.

"You will be fifteen soon" I was told and I covered my face.

"Oh my god Mara that is three weeks from now! I'm still fourteen!" I told her and she came over to hug me.

"He's really into you" she told me and I scoffed.

"Into what's beneath my old clothes it seems" I told her firmly.

"Okay that's judging someone you don't know" she told me and I bit my pencil.

"It doesn't matter how he feels towards me because nothing will come of it. I will never allow any man to get near this" I told her as I placed my hand on my chest, Mara taking a seat next to me.

She took my hands.

"That bastard will get what's coming in due time but you can't kill yourself dwelling on the pain he unleashed on you" she told me and I told my lips, my eyes moist.

"Ever since that night I relive everything he did that night and the worst part he got to hurt me twice..." I told her as she squeezed my hand.

"I insist you come live with me and mom" she told me and I looked her in the eyes.

"And how long will you tolerate me? I'm not your mothers burden" I told her as let's be honest, people get bored of responsibilities that aren't theirs.

I would not allow myself to face that kind of pain. Wherever I walked there was damage.

I was the world's destruction.

"Then let my father handle him" she went on.

"Please let it go, I'm here now and I'm safe" I told her firmly, my eyes closed for a small second.

"This can not be safe because you are living in an abandoned house, what do you even eat?" she asked as her eyes searched me.

"I start working tonight so that will be handled with my first pay check" I told her and she shook her head at me.

"You can not live like this, this is wrong" she carries on and this time I allowed the tears to fall.

"I do not have a choice now do I?" I asked and Mara started crying as well.

"If he enjoyed hurt you as much as he say, he will be back again" she told me and that's when I clutched the metal in my pocket.

I would be ready...

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