Chapter Forty Six- A Concerned CEO

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Chyna's POV

"I am just asking you to be careful, honestly there is no arm in what I'm saying" was what Vincent told me as he watched me make dinner.

Sometimes he could be more than a friend sometimes. He and Mara behaved like parents sometimes.

"And I will be careful Vincent. This is strictly sex and I am okay with that" I stated as I glanced at the phone in the distance. Vincent took a deep breath as I sampled my dish.

"Yes but have you forgotten something?" He asked as I took another small bite.

This was delicious.

"What have I forgotten otherwise from calling you the past few days" I teased and Vincent took a sip of his wine as he glared at me.

"Well I will just ignore that. You love Kenton, have you forgotten you told me that" he stated and I leaned against the island and took a deep breath.

How could I forget that. Kenton was the reason I couldn't sleep at night.

"Well yes but I know how to take life for what it is. Love is a one way street sometimes and that is fine" I told him truthfully, my eyes on the cupboard.

I blinked rapidly, I really didn't want to cry but there were moments I wishes he was mine. I shook my head at the silly thought.

"Look all I'm saying is not to get too involved in this, remember I still want to see you married with kids" he told me and when the fire alarm went off I remembered the meal I was cooking.

Smoke filled the air, me coughing rapidly.

"Chyna!" Vincent calledn I chuckled slightly.

"Uh shit! Don't worry I'm fine" I frowned and Vincent's eyes went wide.

"Want me to call you back Chyna?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah that is a good idea, say hello to Paris for me and bye, bye" I stated as I blew a kiss.

"Bye dear" he stated as he blew me a kiss with a small wink. I smiled, the call going to an end.

"Damn it, there goes my dinner!" I frowned only for door bell ring. I took a deep breath, my fingers in my hair.

What now?

"I'll be right there" I yelled as I pulled my robe closer to my body.

At my door was a security guard, I crossed my arms. Did he smell the smoke from all the way downstairs?

"May I help you?" I asked and the man eyed me the moment smoke left my apartment.

I grinned widely.

"Miss Lyn there is a Emile Kenton here to see you. Tried phoning you on your home phone but there was no response" I was told and I blinked.

"Um, yeah sure. Send him up" I told the fellow who simply nod and walk away.

I took a deep breath as I leaned against my door frame. The moment he came into view I only stared.

"Hey" I greeted softly as I gestured for him to come in.

"Chyna I have been calling you for the past three hours" he told me and when he took deep breath I knew he smelled what was supposed to be my dinner.

"Did something burn to death in here?" I was asked and I glanced at my dead meal.

Well then.

"Yes, my dinner did actually" I replied and he removed his cell.

"What would you like to eat?" He asked kindly but I really started to hear the voice of Vincent in my head.

'Stay away from him' it said to me.

"Um you don't have to really" I told him and he only smiled.

"You are Asian so I'm assuming Chinese?" He asked and I swallowed everything I wanted to say.

"Um, yes that is nice of you. A lot of lo men would be fine" I told him and he sent in the order. The moment that was done he placed his phone to his back pocket.

"I'm here as your boss and I am really concerned about Sasha. She showed up at work in long sleeves and a rocky state of mind" he told me as I removed two wine glasses.

"That's weird, Sasha has a lovely body one that she's proud of. She never wears something that restricting" I told him truthfully as I poured us some wine.

"I would say something but it's not may place to" he told me and I actually agreed with him. If anyone of us were going to speak to her that person would have to be me.

I handed him a glass of wine, Kenton tilting the glass in my direction.

"Thank you. Now I know I said I would not get involved but if affects my work then..."

"Hey, I'll talk to her" I told him and he took a sip of his wine.

"I think Zedd is really fond of her" he told me and I rolled my left eye.

"Zedd is fond of everything that wears a skirt" I told him truthfully and the man made it seemed as though it was a sin to smile.

"Perhaps but he came to me about her living condition at home and god knows how useless I was because she is my subordinate and it is not my place to be get involved" he told me and when the phone rang I jerked.

"Hello pleasant evening" I greeted politely only to be informed that our dinner had arrived.

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