Chapter Four- There Wont Be Another

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Ever since my dad had been placed to rest most of the days held a portion of rain. By rain I meant lots and lots of it on a regular basis.

Today was one such day and due to the deep hole my life had sunk in I forgot something quite vital as my umbrella. I grit my teeth, I would be soaked by the time I get home.

A wet body and a shitty home did not compliment each other at all.

The car I was in came to a gentle stop the moment that which was hideous came in sight.

I looked down the moment my eyes fell on the place I was forced to call home. The damn thing looked like an abandon building, some of it's structure falling apart.

That thing could collapse on us anytime soon.

"Bye sweetie!" My best friend yelled as she waved me off. I turned to her and faked a smile, her gesture being returned.

The moment the car drove off I was serious once again, my lips in a thin line as I pulled my bag tighter around me. The rain pouring down on me no longer bothered me as I simply kept focus on the horror I would know enter.

I opened the door only to find that he was there.I froze, my mother all over him and all I would do was stare.

It made no sense I told her what that man had done to me, she would only label me a liar. A liar or a thief, whatever it was it would show how little value I had to the woman who brought me into this cold world.

I cleared my throat, both individual staring in my direction. The stare was as though I bothered them but honestly I think they should be bothered.

"Good evening" was all I could force at this moment, my mother rolling her as if me being here would prevent her from fucking the bastard. 

I ignored his gaze and hers as I made my way up the crooked stairs. There was nothing more that o wanted to do but shower and sleep.

I slammed my door shut, my clothes being stripped from my body in an aggressive manner. The moment I was nude I grabbed a large T, the closest thing I had to a towel.

The moment I entered the shower I turned the tap on so that the discolored water could run off first. Our pipelines carried the filter of water so as a result one had to wait five to ten minutes before using the water.

After waiting my fair minutes I allowed the water to devour my lost soul. I sighed as I reached or the bar of soap, tears now mixed with the water running over my trembling body.

I was out after a rather lengthy shower but my dressing was rather swift. I threw myself onto my bed, my eyes still sore for my time spent crying.

I stared at the ceiling because I assumed my father was staring down at me. Did he not see what was happening to his daughter?

"Why did you leave me...I wouldn't mind if you took me with you. You are the only person that really cared about me" I confessed as my voice shattered like glass.

A life with my mother raising me was no life at all. How could my father love that woman?

I pressed my eyes closed, my lips trembling as I tried so hard not to cry but I could not stop my tears. There was nothing left of my life.

I rolled on my hip, my knees and arms cradling my pillow. A perfect position for a lost child.


You know that sixth sense that made appearance when something was wrong? The sixth sense that act as your third eyes and ears, alerting you of the unknown.

Well it was that sixth sense that woke me up and I'm glad it did.

He was in my room, my eyes widening when I realized exactly what he was doing. I sat up on my elbows, his smirk growing now that he woke me.

Was this man sick or what?

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked and he glanced at what he held below his waist. He fisted his erection faster this time.

"What does it look like I'm doing girl?" He asked nastily and the moment he came closer was the moment I stood.

"Stay the hell away from me" I warned but truth be told I was really begging. If sex was what he was truly after there was no way I could stop him.

He was much quicker and I was back to the place I was running from. My bed and this time I was pinned to it by rough hands.

"At least I had the decency to let you sleep girl" he hissed as my bra was removed and my face was pressed to my very own

I cried out the moment he penetrated from behind, my fingers clawing the sheet. If sex was such a painful thing why did everyone else speak of it so highly?

He used his free hand to place to fingers into my mouth, me on the verge of choking. His lips were at my ear before I knew it.

"Be quiet, your mother is sleeping and as far as she knows I left" he hissed as he went harder, my back feeling only half the pain my thighs and that which was between it felt.

I tagged due to his fingers still in my mouth as he pulled me upwards. I closed my eyes as he removed his fingers from my mouth, my face being turned away from him.

While life taught many lessons the greatest I have learn is the way women are seen in the eyes of men. I would never allow a man to treat me this way ever again.

It took a while but it's here, really do hope you liked the chapter guys. Vote and share those thoughts ;)

Until the next chapter guys.

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