Chapter Forty Nine- Love

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Chyna's POV

Sasha fell asleep the moment she got here. I had to thank Paris and Vincent for choosing a two bedroom apartment or else I would be crashing on the couch tonight.

With the friendship I shared with the two I knew exactly what crashing on the sofa felt like. The two were in a heated state and I, like a fool chose to sleep over.

There was no where else for me but the sofa, each occupied the bedrooms, doors slamming whenever they crossed paths. My blood chilled, there is no way in hell I want to experience something like that again.

If I should I would go insane. At least that only happened for a night and I was even lucky to escape.

I yawned, my phone vibrating in my hand only to come to a abrupt end. I gazed down to find a message from Kenton.

At this time of night? Does he even know what the word sleep means?

Why aren't you taking my calls?

I made a face, was this man rude or what. I didnt get the chance to reply however as my house phone rang.

"Oh come on! Can I get a break, all I want is a small snack, is that too much to ask?" I asked as I approached the ringing phone.

"Hello good night, Lyn speaking" I greeted only to yawn afterwards.

"Mr. Emile Kenton is here to see you" the guard informed me and I bit my lower lip. I went silent because while I was not supposed to my body craved him.

Sooner or later him coming to see me was going to blow up in my face. In this moment, I really didn't care.

Enjoy it while it last that say.

"Send him up" I told the guard only to end the call immediately after. My heart drummed in my chest, my underwear growing a bit moist.

Ugh, what the hell is wrong with you? Calm down little one.

I headed for the door, Zedd and Kenton walked by me the moment I opened the door.

Wait a second, Zedd? I turned my head so fast my neck almost broke.

"Zedd?" I called and the man stared at me with wild eyes.

"Hello Chyna" he greeted and I blinked.

"The security said Kenton, not Kenton and company" I pointed out clearly.

Cock block.

"I'm just going to crash on your sofa for the night, I have to tell her how I feel. I don't want her to go back to that dude Chyna" he informed me. Kenton gazed at me.

"And what's your excuse?" I asked and he sucked his teeth. Why was it so hard for him to smile, I was only trying to lighten the mood.

"I came to see you actually" he told me in a strict tone and Zedd who was on the sofa smiled up at us. I grit my teeth, dragging Kenton elsewhere.

"Zedd will use that against us" I hissed as I leaned against the island after removing cake from the fridge. Kenton stared down at me.

"If he truly wants his job he won't" he told me as I stiffed my face in order to quiet my stomach. I hummed mentally, this is so delicious.

"You do know that you are creating a bad stomach with that thing" he told me and I smiled.

"Been doing it for years now and I seem to maintain this flat tummy" I told him and he raised a eyebrow.

"And that is what has me stunned" I was told as he took the cake from my hand and toss it to the bin. My eyes became orbs as the man before me removed his watch and rolled his sleeve upwards.

"What the..."

"I am going to make you a proper meal, enough that you can have breakfast and lunch tomorrow" he told me as he washed his hands. The tattoos on his arms were now visible.

"At this time?" I asked and he stared down at me.

"Well you can't be eating that junk for one" he told me and I leaned against the island with a smile on my face. I saddened when the reality cave in, he was married.

"Where is your wife?" I asked and Kenton lit the stove. He said nothing, his eyes fixed on the supplies retrieved from the refrigerator.

I bit my tongue, my eyes closed for a brief moment.

"What did you tell her?" I asked and he looked me in the eye.

"She is in bed sleeping and I am at work" he told me and I laughed.

"So you lied" I told him and he took a deep breath.

"I was at work" he told me and I stared at him.

"And this is still work!" I yelled and he came over immediately.

"Its is just you and I in the damn kitchen Chyna" he hissed as he stated down at me.

"People are going to talk because we all know who Emile Kenton is and he is in my apartment frequently" I told him and his eyes narrowed somewhat.

"Are you telling me to leave because that is the message I am getting Miss Lyn" he told me and I balled my little fist.

There he goes, last name basis.

"I don't want to be your whore" I told him and his expression softened somewhat.

"I never said you were" he told me and I kept my tears inside. How could I when I knew what I was getting into in the beginning.

"You don't have to go, I'm just saying she will know you are cheating eventually. I am not asking you to leave your wife but I do not want to be know as the girl to ruin a marriage. I known I can't have you so I will never..." He cupped my cheeks, his eyes on mine.

Our foreheads touched, his eyes falling on my lips for a slight second.

"Stop, whatever you overthink about at nights stop. If I have to put you on a situation to hurt you then I'll take everything the media has to throw at me. I love you" when he said those words I froze, black smoke filling the air which lead to us coughing.

Coughing turned to laughter when he turned the stove off.

Been quiet a wait right? My deepest apologies because work takes up majority of my time.

I just want to say with this virus going around that you all be careful. Love you all and stay safe ;)

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