Chapter Thirty Three- Pack Away He Says

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Chyna's POV

The moment I stormed out of the office Sasha was on her feet and on my trail. I could hear my heals connecting with the tiles roughly, my hair moving in a aggressive manner.

How dare him! How dear him to punish me for speaking the fucking truth!

By this time I was a crying mess but I really didn't care. I lost my damn job and my ability to obtain a standard of living.

"What did he say?" Sasha asked as we headed for my office. My reply to her was silence.

How could I even speak in such a state?

"Is he giving us an extension?" She questioned and I dried my eyes the moment my eyes fell on the door of my office.

Was my disorder that well hidden because the last time I checked I was crying. I sucked mucus.

My name was written in black and gold and with one aggressive pull I tore it down. Sasha eyed me oddly and with that I finally looked at her.

Her eyes went alarmingly wide.

"You just may get an extension, he fired me" was all I said, Sasha's brows forming two hills.

"What?" It was as though she was wondering if she imagined the words that left my lips.

"What happened?" She prolonged and I only cried harder. Wasn't it kinda obvious what happened?

"I'm just here to get my stuff Sasha" was the truth I chose to share, Sasha still in a state of shock.

"He...but you are the best employee around here everyone knows that. He just...he just can't" she stated and I gazed through the window.

"Well he just did" was all I said as I lowered, two cardboard boxes being pulled from under my desk.


This was still unreal to me, even with me emptying my drawers it felt like a damn dream. A fucking nightmare to be more specific.

By this time I had stopped crying but my eyes were still red and moist. I had no voice whatsoever and my throat was intensely sore.

My eyes were really on fire, my two box stuffed and crammed beyond repaired. I took a deep breath as I looked around with my fist on my hips.

"Fucking bastard" I missed on a course voice.

I was just about to reach for my water bottle when another hand took hold of it for me. The pink bottle was then handed to me.

"Indeed" came a masculine voice, one I knew far too well.

I stared up at Kenton. He eyed the bottle suggestively and I gazed rather wildly.

"Thank you" was all I said but he pulled the bottle back before I could even touch it. I blink on rapid.

"Put your stuff down" was all he said but I still held onto the two box in my hands.

Was this man bipolar or something?

"You fired me remember" was all I said and he stared at me. He sucked his teeth.

"I was angry and you were rude" was his simple justification. I tightened my hold on the items in my hands.

Maybe this was a trick. I would not fall for this trick.

He took the items from my hand and I stayed silent and avoided his eyes. The moment he got the items out of the way he was keen on staring me to death.

A trick indeed.

"There is a small extension to your project of one week" he told me and I still didn't look him in the eye.

"However you and Sasha won't be the ones doing it" he told me and I still stared.


"I went out of line today and for that I'm truly sorry" I told him and he said nothing. He simply sat on my desk.

Same old Kenton.

"Okay" was all he said and I crossed my arms as I finally looked his way. What now?

"Well, some time back you saw something and based on previous events you are offended by what you saw. I'm truly sorry and you won't see that happening again" he told me and my eyes fell to the ring on his finger for a split second.

"That is fine" I lied as I tried my best not to sound sour. Shouldn't I be happy for him?

Someday I'll wear a ring right? Someday I'll be able to do the nothing with a lover.

"I have a form for you to sign" the moment he said that I knew there was a ulterior motive. I took the document he pulled from his back pocket, my eyes fixed to the document immediately.

"What's this?" I asked as the document highlights a business trip. He gazed at me.

He sucked his teeth again.

"Well there, it is a business trip little Asian" he told me and I was tempted to roll my left eye.

Of course I saw what it was. It was there in bold.

"Yeah but when?" I asked and he exhaled heavily.

"Wednesday our flight leaves" he told me and I checked a brow. Our?

"Zedd and Sasha are coming as well. I need my best employees to represent the firm at the various events" he told me and I nodded.

Best? Did he just say his best?

"So why is Zedd coming along?" I questioned and his eyes went wide. What, I was only asking a honest question.

"Great idea, it would be more effective to use one of my jets" he mumbled as he pat my back gently. I froze at the gently touch, Kenton now on his feet.

"I do expect you to behave" he warned and with that he left the office that was now once again mine.

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