Chapter Thirty Six- Business Trip

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Chyna's POV

I stared at the jet before me because I still doubt that Kenton owned the damn thing. It was like watching a movie with the rich and famous and Kenton was the rich and famous.

"Neat huh?" Zedd asked as he came next to me, his hand Patton my back gently.

"Actually it is amazing, I would understand why he chose to travel in his comfort" I told Zedd. Based on what I could see Kenton had a strange love for blue.

Everything he owned was usually blue.

I closed my mouth when Zedd's hand landed on my ass and squeezed. Now why the hell did I not see this coming?

"Are you okay, you seem distant?" He asked and I punched him in the ribcage.

"Is it the rest of my body is unable to function?" I hissed and Sasha laughed.

"Serves you right as grabber" she hissed.

Zedd only smiled.

"It was worth a try" he stated as Kenton made his way towards us.

Well here comes satan.

He held a glass of what looked like gin, his hair neat as usual as he did not even give us a small smirk.

"Well then, come my children" he told us as he took the wrist of Sasha and I. Two men dressed in black took our suitcase, Kenton strict as ever.

Zedd was hesitant in giving his luggage but he gave it regardless. My eyes then fell on Kenton once again.

He was worse than my best friend. At least Vincent knew how to smile, Kenton was as stiff as s board.

He led Sasha onto the mechanism slowly, the blonde nodding her gratitude. He then looked to me, my eyes falling on my heels.

He reached a hand towards me the moment I removed my shoes. He lift me up before I knew it, his hand feeling warm on my waist.

I blushed internally.

The moment I was up the stepps Kenton stepped aside so that Zedd could make his way in. With nothing said Zedd did exactly what was initiated.

Kenton and his men were the last to enter. Zedd smiled and before he could take a seat next to me Kenton  grabbed him by the collar.

"Must I request a leash?" He asked as Zedd made a face the moment Sasha giggled. His eyes then sparkled when he saw that she was alone.

"Don't even think about it" she warned as she began brushing her hair, a stick of red meeting her lips.

"Fuck!" was all Zedd could give under his breath as Kenton took the seat he first aimed for. For some odd reason I could picture Mara winking at me.

I laughed internally at the random thought.

He looked at me before he got comfortable, his shades now on. I ran my tongue over crispy lips, my gaze fixed on the blonde before me who brushed her hair.

"Kenton speaking" I jerked the moment he spoke, my nerves riding high as this was my first flight. I feared flights more than any insect in this damn world.

What if we were not very fortunate and failed to make our way home.

"Yes and I expect all tasks should be satisfactory when I return" he told whomever he was speaking with.

"Ah, my HR manager will decide on that aspect" he continued, the person on the next end of the phone speaking rather swiftly.

The jet began its venture slowly and when I squeaked the man next to me arched a brow. Apparently he was unaware that the sound came from the woman seated next to him.

In his head that sound was probably his imagination.

The moment the jet was in the air my stomach came to my mouth. I grabbed something and squeeze hard.

I wanted this to be over so badly.

Kenton glared down at his gripped thigh but to be quite honest no one else saw because by this time all the lights were off. He took my tiny hand, a hand which he squeezed while he had his phone conversation.

He toyed with my fingers and strangely it was calming and erased my mind from my current fear slightly. Using his elbow he urged me to lean back and that I did.

Sleep came before I even called it.


The hotel was just as fancy as his jet and that was not the only thing they had in common. He owned both.

It puzzled me because the Kenton I knew did not even own one company and was just a regular teacher. Well at least that's what I was aware of.

Zedd smiled as Kenton only requested two rooms earlier. I stared oddly because if Kenton thought I was happy with sharing room with a male he was wrong.

There was only one man I trust enough to share a room with and currently he wasn't here. I placed my fist to my hips.

"Sasha and..." And before my boss could finish Zedd was making his way over to the room Kenton pointed to. Again Zedd was pulled by the collar.

"Sasha and Chyna will share this room" Kenton informed in a firm tone. The moment that was said Sasha was next to me, her smile bright as ever.

"Wait what?" Zedd asked.

"You and I will be sharing the same room, I have nothing for you to touch" Kenton stated as he placed his arms behind him.

Sasha and I giggled at Zedd's facial expression.

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