Chapter Seven- Deep Confession and A Class Session

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I grained as I sharpened the piece of metal harder than ever, sweating lining all areas of my body. I was sleeping in an abodoned ever since I left the home of my best friend.

All this was to get away from him.

I had made Mara aware of where I was so that she would not make a visit in search of me. The last thing I needed was that bastard knowing where I was.

"You can't possibly be comfortable staying here, come back with me" Mara begged and I knew my best friend knew me better than that.

I called my independence more than anything. Besides her mother should not have to bare the burden of raising two teenagers girls.

"I'm going to get a job at the guest house serving drinks, the money won't be much but it will be enough for me to survive" I told her as I placed the metal down, Mara's eyes falling on the item within an instant.

"What's that?" She asked and I removed my gloves, my eyes fixed on her hazel ones.

"Something I just may need for the environment I will be working in" I told her and Mara shook her head at me.

"Why not speak to the principal about your financial struggle?" She suggested and I rolled my left eye upwards.

"And have the entire staff laugh at me? I've seen it before M" I told her as I relaxed on the old sofa.

"I care about you do you even know its safe here, there are men in this neighborhood who would..."

"Would what Mara? Rape me, that's the exact reason I left my mother, the plumber had his fun with me and there was not a damn thing I could do about it! Fuck, she didn't even care!" I yelled as I stood, Mara gazing up at me with a covered mouth.

"Oh my god" she stated as she stood immediately, her hands on my shoulders.

"Why the hell did you keep this a secret, my dad is a soldier and you know that. With things like these you say something!" she yelled as all I could do was allow the tears to fall.

"No one would believe me, not even my own mother" I told her, Mara shaking her head at me.

"We would believe you, my mother loves you and while my father hasn't met you yet he asks about your well being via the telephone. You are not just my best friend you are my sister" she told me as her eyes now seemed moist.

Do not cry Mara, this was my pain not yours.

She was just as hurt hearing the pain I faced. I felt like the worst friend not telling her my truth when it happened.

"I'm staying here with you tonight" she told me as she called her mother, my head on her chest as I sobbed.


"May I have all my essays please" Mr Kenton greeted us and there were groans all over the room. That was one hell of a greeting I must say.

 I removed my essay with a smile and so did Mara because we spent our night working on the assignment.

"Thank you ladies" he told us as he collected.

"Sir my dog ate my homework" one wise guy went on to the day and the entire class laughed.

"This is highschool, dogs have way too much to eat to lick its tongue at your homework" Mr Kenton hissed as he continued his collection.

"See, no one will believe me" he groaned, the entire class going up in laughter at that moment.

"Shut up dork" Jennifer hissed as she hand in her essay which looked rather short in my opinion.

The moment the teacher had finished collecting her sat on his desk, his eyes on me for a moment before he spoke.

"For those of you in my chemistry class only ten person passed that quiz" he announced and someone choked as though she was having an asthma attack.

"Well there goes my chemistry grade" I told Mara and she gave me a look of disapproval.

"Be quiet you, you may just be one of the ten" she told me and I rolled my left eye.

Yeah right.

"Now onto our topic, persuasive writing" Mr Kenton stated and all I could do was stare at the piercings on his left ear.

Now how the hell was this school so strict yet he was working here? Artificially colored hair wasn't even allowed here.

"I need a word with you" he told me as he squeezed my shoulder, Mara giving me the eyebrows.

I gave her the step on the foot. She cringed on pain, my smile now appearing.

"Opinions only, no set definition, what is persuasive writing?" He asked and Mara raised her hand before everyone else in the room.

"Yes ...may I have your name please?" He asked and Mara smiled.

"Mara" and by calling my name she introduced me as her best friend.

"Yes so as I was about to say persuasive right us simply getting you to but my words" she stated and the look on his face said he approved of her statement.

"Nicely said Mara" he stated and his hand pointed towards Jenifer.

"This is used in many advirtisments we see daily" she stated with a shrug.

"Also correct" he told her and she smiled as though she was nominated for a grammy. I rolled my left eye.

Okay I want you all to attempt the first paragraph for one of these three questions, only fifteen minutes" he told us as he began using papers.

Mara stared at her and I smiled at my paper. If this man was not a smart teacher then I don't know what he was.

We all got three different questions to choose from. How he made that possible, I have no idea.

I bit on my pencil because so far I seem to like question number two. I glanced at Mara who was still staring at her paper.

Hope you like :) ❤

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