Chapter Fifty Three- Is There A Remedy For A Broken Heart?

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🎵Bed of Lies- Nicki Minaj🎵

Chyna's POV

I stared for a sharp moment as the car was now parked perfectly, my bag being placed onto my lap. Sasha pat my back gently, my eyes falling on her in the very same moment.

"Just remember you broke up with him. That should give you some amount of power and if not I'm here for you darling" Sasha stated and Mara who was in the driver's seat next to her husband turned to look at me.

"So am I babe, can't believe what he did to you, he's such an ass" Mara stated as she dried my eyes.

"I loved him Mara" I stated and before Mara could the blond spoke.

"Hey, Chyna you are the reason I'm getting out of that toxic relationship with a devoirce. You were strong for me when I couldn't even be strong for myself, now its time for me to reciprocate" Sasha told me as I stared at her.

"Here comes the devil" Mara stated as a car pulled up right in front of us. I sunk in my seat, my life simply went from good to horrible.

" are strong remember" Sasha told me as she gave my arm a slight squeeze. I kept my eyes on the car before us.

Kenton exit the car slowly as he adjust his watch. I was supposed to hate him but in this moment all I could do was admire the asshole.

I took a deep breath, my eyes going between Mara and Sasha.

"I'll be fine" I lied because deep down I knee sometimes a heart took years to repair.


I rubbed my temples as I stared at the screen before me. My door opened, Zedd smiling at me as he shook a container filled with fruit.

"I got you a little something" he told me and I glaced at my watch.

"You do know work doesn't start at 10:30 right?" I asked and he smiled.

Record doesn't have me as a 10:30 sweetheart" I was told as he placed the dish down for me.

I cocked a brow.

"I fail to see what you are getting at sweetheart" I told him as I opened my small gift, a grape being placed between my teeth.

He took a deep breath.

"Fuck that turns me on" he told me and my eyes became orbs. He caught the stapler I threw in his direction with a heavy chuckled.

"There are ways to cheat everything honey, Kenton isn't the only brain in this firm" He told me as he made his exit with a flirty smile. I shook my head at him as I scratched another figure from my list.

I bit my lower lip as I had now arrived at my final estimate for our new project. My fingers caressed the keyboard gently.

Typing was the easy part because it didnt take more than fifteen minutes to generate the required documents. I stood, my eyes falling on my empty fruit dish.

Going to his office was the last thing I aimed for but that was the place I could not avoid as long ad I kept this jobs. Truly I was considering leaving this hell.

I gave the door a gently nod, me entering immediately after.

"I know the assignment is a bit early but..." But my statement came to an end when there was an empty office staring back at me. I scratched my hair.

What the fuck?

"Absolutely perfect" I hissed as I placed the folder to his desk. My eyes fell on his phone that was left in the process of typing a text message.

I took a deep breath. Ignore your female instincts Chyna.

I did the total opposite, my hand caressing the phone gently. Tears pooled in my eyes as I started reading.

It was never my intention to hurt you and I really didn't aim for it to be this way. I was selfish in my doing and every time we make love all I can see is the love in your eyes.

You love me and I have been nothing but selfish. What I'm sure of is that you are no fool and you asked questions you already had answers to.

I'm sorry for the harm I caused you but these are words coming from my heart...

The words ended there, the phone being placed to the desk gently. My body shook as my tears cane harshly.

His wife deserved an apology but I didn't? Sure I was willing to be his lover but I never agreed to a broken heart.

"I have quite a busy day" the moment I heart Kenton's voice on the outside I froze. The door knob turned and I was the closest thing to a fool.

I lowered, my slender ass finding its way under the man's desk. I covered my mouth, my warm tears staining my cheeks.

"It won't take me long hon" came the voice of his wife and the door sounded a click. I froze as if they could see me, the desk making a low sound and I could only gazed as a woman's heels fell.

My stomach churned and it kept churning for the entire time in which they made love. The moment they were finished I texted Sasha about the hell hole I fell into.

I begged the blond's help in saving me. There was a knock on the door minutes after.

"Come" was his one worded reply, the sound of a pen falling filing my ear.

"I don't understand what I'm going to do with this" Sasha frowned and she even had me convinced.

"Oh my god! Did that man just tossed the woman of the building" she exclamined as she made her way behind Kenton to stare through the glass.

Kenton who was once seated stood, standing next to Sasha as she stared. The moment I was around the desk I hid, my eyes on the door Sasha purposely left open.

"Where?" He asked and and I made a run for it, falling on my hands and knees outdoors. Zedd stared down at me with a arch brow and a cup of coffee in his hands.

Looking around to see that no one else was currently on the outside I stood. Zedd held his stare and I stares right at him.

"What the the fuck are you looking at?" I asked in a whisper. He shook his head, his eyes on the door.

"You know I won't even ask" he told me and I headed for my very own office swiftly. At least I could break down there.


Zedd was the one to take Sasha and I home, Sasha being a bit nice by wishing the man a safe journey home. I smiled the moment we entered the apartment.

"Growing soft?" I teased and Sasha gave a throaty laugh.

"Me? Not a chance sweetheart, just felt like being nice" she states as I remove and hung up my jacket.

"Yeah as..." But before I could finish there was a knock on my door. Sasha stared at me, her angry heels marching behind me.

"He ave some fucking nerve" she whispered as I opened the door. Before us stood a woman, Sasha and I recognizing that woman immediately.

I swallowed hot saliva.

"Good night, can I help you?" I asked and she eyed me from the feet upwards.

"You already have she told me and Sasha surprised me when she slammed the door. I broke down immediately after, Sasha pulling me into her now famous comforting hugs.

Steamy chapter don't you think guys?

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