Chapter Twenty Nine- His Return

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Chyna's Pov

"Wow, I'm stunned" Mara told me as I unlocked the car, Mara taking her seat in the back of the car. I could see that my friend was due in a month or so and with that she had to be careful in everything she did.

Really I wish her the blessing of two girls because her stomach looked like a twin stomach. I smiled internally.

I sounded the engine as I adjusted my mirrors, hands clutching onto my steering.

"So am I Mara" I told her truthfully but I froze when Kenton made his way out, a phone at his ear.

He looked as though he was having a business conversation, his face was very strict and I was already used to a serious Kenton.

"Oooh, someone is getting fired" Mara teased and I was not quite pleased with her pulling unnecessary attention.

"Mara!" I fumed and she only found my frustration amusing.

From a nice red BMW a blond emerged, her heels giving my heels a rather hard contest. It was quite evident that she had her body done and wore too much makeup for my liking.

When my eyes fell on the ring on her finger my heart tore, it didn't take a scientist to figure out who she was. She met him half way, her tongue in his mouth before I could even blink.

My insides burned.

His hands fell to her hips as he kissed her with equal passion. Only one question plagued my mind; was he happy?

Was she in love with him or was she in love with the money?

"Chyna?" I glanced at Mara through the mirror, my skin just inches away from my bones.

"Yeah?" I replied way too quickly as I released the hand break, my foot on the break pedal.

"Are you alright?" I was asked.

"Yes Mara I'm fine" I told her and my voice cracked slightly.

Keeping my gaze before me I pulled out of the parking lot smoothly.

"Wait a second, you liked him from our highschool days?" Mara asked and I rolled my window down in order to hand the security my parking code.

"It doesn't really matter Mara" I told her as I picked up speed the moment the guard collected the card.

Often times Vincent told me that I drove like a man but oh well. I was one of the sexiest men out there, a pretty one too.

"Of course it matters Chyna because we both know he liked you too" she told me and I rolled my left eye.

"Honey that was then, ten years ago" I told her and I glanced to see that Mara rolled her eyes at me.

"He likes you and until can prove me wrong that's the story" she stated and I only laughed.

Stubborn. Seems as if her stubborn nature grew with her.

"He's married Mara" I told her.

"And? That's the fun in the whole scenario, do you think marriage is enough to stop a man from loving another woman?" She asked and I sighed. She just would not let this go.


"Hello David" I greeted the moment I entered the house after Mara. He glanced up at me from his computer screen.

At first he only waved so that he could gaze at the screen once again. When realization sunk in his head shot up once again.

"Wow, um. Well hello Chyna" and honestly I was surprised that he even remembered my name or my face.

For crying out loud the guy hated me in highschool.

"You look well" I was told, Mara shaking her head at my stunned expression.

Did he just pay me a honest compliment?

"Don't be surprised, sure you were cute in highschool but now you look amazing" Mara told me and if she were a male I would have blushed.

"My thank you sweetheart" I stated and Mara smiled.

"Don't get any funny ideas" she warned as she waved her finger at me.

I choked on spit and air while David laughed.

"What! That's disgusting" I hissed, Mara showing her thirty twos.

"Kenton probably looks at you and says, damn if I wasn't married I'd smash" and when those words came out of her mouth Mara's husband cocked a brow.

"What?" He asked and I threw my pen at her. There was another thing about her that didn't change.

Her large mouth.

"One of her coworkers name is Kenton? As in like the chemistry teacher Kenton that no one liked?" David asked as he spun his chair slightly to face us.

"Well, actually its not a coworker, its her boss and it is Kenton we all hated in highschool" Mara clarified and I was closed to strangling her.

When David looked at my tempted hands I dropped them with a smile.

"So what's this all about, he likes her?" David asked and I really wish they would bother shut the fuck up.

Mara and I yelled yes and no at the same time. Mara glared daggers at me.

"He liked her in highschool and she knows it" Mara stated and I sat on the sofa.

"All we shared was one kiss that's it" and I regret those words the moment I said them. Mara's eyes sparkled.

"Kiss?" She asked as she creepy closer.  I threw my head back, my eyes on the ceiling.

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