Chapter Forty- Malfunction and Alone Time

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Chyna's Pov

I gave a gentle knock, my heart at my knees while I left my tongue in my hotel room beside my brain. I gave a second knock, the same thing happening like before, no response received.

When I got no response courage build within me because this was the perfect opportunity to say; hey I came but you weren't there. I smiled.

All my courage fell when the door open.

"Miss Lyn" he greeted as he adjust his tie. I only stared up at him with a open mouth life a fish.

Oh damn it!

"I see you are ready for the seminar. We need to talk so Sasha and Zedd have gone ahead of us" he told me as he closed the door the moment he exit.

The key sounded a click. While I had left my brain in the hotel room I was wise enough to close up properly.

If I didn't, I wouldn't hear the end of from Sasha and the both of us would definitely not hear the head of it from Kenton. I was already under his radar.

When he touched the small of my back I simply followed him. He had one arm behind him as we approach the elevator. I watched the numbers assend, Kenton doing the exact same thing.

Well then, apparently we have a slight wait.

"For fucks sake, you just had to be coming from the ground floor?" He hissed and I stared at him.

Well some one lack the ability to wait. This would only take a few minutes.

The moment the metallic doors opened Kenton gave the occupants a rather poisonous glare. The moment they exit was the moment we entered, my back against the wall.

A lengthy car ride with a man who was mad at me. Just great.

The shock of our lives came when I Kenton's finger met a button. I was no longer leaning on the wall, my eyes wide.

"What the fuck?" He hissed as he trying to pry the doors open. Well then superman, why not punch a whole through the darn thing?

"What did you do?" I asked and honestly I should have kept my fucking mouth shut.

"I didn't do a damn thing, my finger didn't even reach the damn button" he hissed as he packed back and forth.

I found a nice corner and stayed in it because Kenton looked as if he was going to tear his body from his head.

Yes you read that well.

"I can't stay in this thing" he hissed as he threw himself against the door, his effect a ultimate failure.

"I'm sure the tech is working on it" I assured him and he still tried to force the door open.

"Honestly that won't work" I told him truthfully.

"Shit!" And the moment he pulled away I'm sure him damaged himself one way or the other.

"I told you" I continued.

"I can stay in this darn thing" he grit.

"We will just have to sit and..."

"Would you shut the fuck up?!" And the moment he said that my eyes widened. To say I was offended and shocked would have been an understatement.

His face softened in blue lighting, Kenton taking a seat beside me. I moved away only for him to move closer.

"That wasn't meant for you...I'm claustrophobic" he told me and I kept silent.

I think it was meant for me because I failed to be there for my company.

"Where were you last night?" He asked and I swallowed. See, the yell was meant for me.

"I know you are upset..."

"I never asked you that" he added firmly as he slowed each and every word and I stared at my heels.

"I was with a friend" I told him and he gave a sound of false approval.

"Did I did I not give you an outline of what that night emailed?"

"You did but...", i wasn't allowed to finish.

"Sasha had to lie about you being sick and speak on your behalf. What's even worse many person say when you left our company that night. How do you think I look as a CEO?" He asked.

For a fact I knew he must be terribly embarrassed that night.

"I was just excited to see an old friend..." Once again he didn't let me finish.

"So excited that you two had to fuck?" He asked as he unlocked his phone and threw it onto my lack.

How did he...

"Another respectable man caught that when he entered his hotel room" he told me and I choked, my entire self respect was now depleated.

Someone saw me having sex after a lie was told about my absence. The others must have heard and now it is likely for me to be viewed as a whore.

All this was awful.

"Vincent, cause thats what Sasha told me works for one of our competition out there, his company represents in the second cocktail so he could easily miss that night" he continued and everything within me broke.

Would Vincent do this on purpose?

"I... But he...I'm sorry" I tried but he simply took his hand away from me. I stood, his phone being tossed to his lap and he stood.

"My aim is not to slaughter you but I'm disappointed and its fair for me to say it" he told me as he gave me back his phone.

"Erase it" he told me and I did precisely that. The immediate video was a shock to both of us because it was a jerk of session of a rather horny male.

Oh my.

Kenton grabbed his phone with wide eyes while I snickered. I leaned against the wall in laughter, Kenton staring at me, his face slightly red.

"My apologies" I was told and I tried to give a straight face.

"That's fine" I told him and I froze when he came close to me, his face hearing my own. Our lips never met because the lights came on, the once dormant elevator moving again.

I breath a sigh of relief internally.

I like that whole elevator scenario lol :p

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