Chapter Seventeen- New Boss

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"Well hello everyone" and I blinked because to be quite honest I was the only one in the damn room. My boss now had his mental health in questioning because a meeting was not supposed to look like this.

If I had no suspicious feelings earlier now I did. Let's just say Vincent is late as always but there is no way in hell we could be the only ones invited to this meeting.

This wasn't a meeting, this was simply group discussion. What the hell was this because I have been to our staff meetings before and there is no way in hell they looked like this.

There just had to be someone else...

"Good morning, sorry I'm late" and I turned to face Sasha with an open mouth. She was invited too?

You have got to be kidding me?! Absolutely fucking possible that this was a damn joke.

Anyone but her could have been invited. Then again we were all being fired so I honestly didn't mind.

I smiled internally, whatever I was getting she was also receiving so at least there was a reason for me not to feel bad.

"Well good day to you to ma'am, as I was saying. I gathered you all here for a reason" our boss continued.

I rolled my left eye. No shit Sherlock, I thought we were having a dinner.

"I'm no longer your boss and as of today" he began as he packed the room slowly, his cellphone now in his hand.

Sasha and I looked at each other, two minds processing nine simple words.

"You will meet the woman taking charge in place of your new CEO and eventually, the new CEO" he told us and Sasha and I choked.

"What?" We both asked. Mrs Osborne was right after, he was nearly kicked off his throne for capitalist to take over.

He dialed a someone, the door opening immediately after to reveal s brunnette. Sasha and I looked at each other before gasping at the door frame.

The woman entered, her hair in a neat bun which complimented her attire greatly. She a a thing waist with perfectly sculptured hips which lead her to closer to the thick side.

She flicked her nails, her greeting being a flimsy wave as she chewed rudely. Sasha glared at her in distaste.

Honestly I'm not one to judge but she looked like a bitch.

"Hello everyone, I'm Emily and I will be with you for a while." She told us as she stared at me. For some odd reason this brought back strange memories.

I shook the thought away, the door opening once again but this time in an aggressive manner. A sweating Vincent entered with his three top buttons undone.

I covered my face, that wife of his. They were married for ten years yet they still could not have enough of each other.

"Sorry I'm late, traffic jam" he lied and I bit my tongue to prevent my laughter.

Did he not see the lipstick mark on his neck, ears and the parts of his chest we could see?

"Actually I would like to believe that it indeed was a jam, just one that did not involve traffic" the woman stated and due to her strict nature I tried my best to suppress my laughter as Vincent sat with red cheeks.

I took had a serious nature around here to naintain as no one around here had ever seen me smile. I was always strictand wore my resting bitch face quite well.

Scratched what I said earlier about her being a bitch. I liked her.

"I'm just filling in for six months and while I may seem like I tolerate bullshit I don't. Jobs are hard to find and while your previous boss deemed you as good employees and arranged for you to remain in the firm I will not be afraid to take vivid actions if they are required." She warned us and I swallowed dry spit.

"So you are telling me that we are here not because we are being fired but because our jobs are secured?"I asked because honestly I was utterly confused.

I thought we were the only ones being fired.

"Fired, you are three best employees this firm has" our previous boss told us and Emily gasped at him.

"Well when the boss gets here in six months he'll determine just how good they are" she told him,the man nodding in agreement.

"Six months...sixth months before we meet the new CEO?" Sasha asked whole Vincent finally realized that there were three buttons that needed to be done.

"Well yes dear, he is celebrating his fourth wedding anniversary but it may be a bit over six months but I think its no greater than a year then you will only see me when I'm dropping by" she told us and I felt w small bit of fear building within me.

Somehow I was going to miss the old staff and managers. My greatest fear was would my life be better or a thousand times worst.

Had my years of bad luck finally ended?

"Emile is a nice guy, there is nothing for you to worry about. Consider me your nightmare" she joked and while I had not met this Emile he sounded like the one not to be messed with.

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