Chapter 40

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Aisha’S POV;

"Sure I'll excuse you Mr arrogant but after I do this." I raised up my plate of food into the thin air before pouring it onto Usman. His white vest turned into red, his well combed hair got rice and stew all over it and that goes to his stupid face also.

I banged the plate onto the table, "enjoy your meal excuse me now I have to prepare my dinner also." Just as I turned, Usman grabbed me by my hair forcing me to turn and look at him. "Let go Usman, you're hurting me."

"Does that hurts?" He barks and tighten his grip on my hair. I tried my possible best to snatch my hair away from his grasp but I couldn't he is way strong. I looked into his eyes, they were darker his fair face was all red, he was breathing so hard there was nothing inside his eyes except for anger and hatred. "You're going to regret your actions Aisha." He raised his hand to slap me and I actively held his hand with all of my power preventing him from slapping me.

"Don't you dare Usman, don't you dare slap me. If you dare slap me I swear I'll slap you back, anything I do to you, you deserve it. How can you possibly expect me to eat that thing? You know what Mr arrogant? I hate you, I hate you morethan you can ever imagine, everything about you I hate it, your face, your hair, your car, the way you talk and walk! All that I hate it I hate you and can you please do me a favor by staying the hell out of my life? Can you do that?" I led out an elongated hiss eying him.

Usman was weak, speechless and defeated and that gave me the chance to snatch my hair away and walked magestically to the kitchen without glancing at his stupid face again. I just felt a sudden sharp anger towards him whenever the image of Edward, Fiona's husband hits me. Just how do Edward loves Fiona and their little prince? He cooks for her, take care of their son, change his diaper, tidy up their house and even sometimes do the laundry. And what of this demon I call my husband? He is as useless as his left hand, all he knows how to do is to torture me and make my life miserable, apart from that theres nothing else. NOTHING!!! He don't have the slightest respect for me. What else do I want from him? Only if he can send me home now, I would have been the happiest woman on earth.

I cooked indomie. Coming out from the kitchen, I saw that Usman is nowhere in sight probably in the bathroom washing up, I sighed.

3 months later...

My morning alarm rings unstoppingly. "Gosh! NO!!" I groaned before stretching my arm to stop it. Its morning already. I glance at the wall clock to make sure of that, because it felt like I just slept now and my alarm suddenly starts ringing because of how tired and exhausted I was yestarday.

I worked myself out for my project, I can't wait to submit it. It is actually 6:00am in the morning. I lazilly pulled myself out of my bed knowing that I'll be having lectures in the next 2 hours and Mr Madaki (the lecturer) does not tolerate late coming and for that I kind of hate physiology.

"Phew!" Now I don't have to heat my bath water anymore because Usman did called a plumber and has repair our tap now probably 3 months.

I'm so so sad that I didn't get to attend my sister’s baby naming ceremony because of the English test I was having. Zainab gave birth to her bouncing cute baby boy just 2 weeks ago he exactly looks like his daddy.

I'm so happy now 'cause since from the day I asked Usman to stay out of my life, he has been trying his best not to interfere in my affairs again. Him and I barely see each other. He don't eat what I cook, when ever i'm in the sitting room he remains in his room, nothing at all come in between us. I sometimes forget that I'm married. My life is moving smoothly now, I don't have any worries anymore! I decide on when to cook or not to, Usman rarely stays at home now 'cause I heard from his mom that he has been promoted in office so he is always at work place or on a job vacation.

I started attending UNILAG about 2 months ago now, studies is moving smoothly, I really do love studying. I'm always busy with my books all the time. I and my two bossom friends Fiona and Ryan are always together, they always keep me company, I wonder how life will be without those two #OneLove. I sometimes invite them over to my house whenever Usman is not around. I love them so much. You guys must be wondering who Ryan is right? Well you don't have to.

How we got to be friends with Ryan was through our Human Anatomy lecturer Mr Eze. After we bumped into each other on the first day of being into UNILAG I never saw him (Ryan) again then one day Mr Eze introduced Fiona and I to him (Ryan), as us being the best Human Anatomy students so far in level 1 and him (Ryan) also in the whole department of MBBS.

So sometimes Fiona and I meet him to teach us some stuffs and from their we became friends. Ryan is such a unique person, despite being rich and handsome he is also smart. He is a genius. In fact he is way morethan smart not just in Human Anatomy but almost in all the courses we offer, so bad that he'll be gradutaing this year. The way he do his things is in a unique way, he is just different from others. He rides a white Honda Accord 2016.

We spend our entire life looking for our destiny, the one. And when we finally meet that person we feel like we've known that person for a very long time even if its our first time of meeting with them. We will always want to be with them, we enjoy their company, when we are with them we just stay happy and time seems to fly away fast and when we are away from them, even if its just for a minute we feel like its has been a thousand days. We try our possible best to avoid anything bad that could ever come between us.

And to be frank with you, this is exactly what I feel when ever I'm with Ryan I don't want to lose him even if its as a friend. We are always on phone call most of the times, and sometimes we make conference call, Ryan, Fiona and I we talk, talk, and talk and talk until prince Kevin starts disturbing his mom...


After showering, I opened my closet and brought out a pink highwaist skirt together with a white spaghetti arm blouse, I stalked in the blouse in and put on a black blazer on top, just a little powder, lipstick and mascara and I was ready for breakfast. I combed my hair and put it into a ponytail. I quickly gathered all that I will be needing for school today, my pencil pack, textbooks, project and jotter and shoved them inside my side bag. I know today is going to be a hectic day 'cause thats how monday's always are.

I checked the clock and saw is almost 7. Gosh how many minutes have I spent in the bathroom. Well it aiint my fault because the jacuzzi is way comfortable, that I wish to be in it forever.

Slunging my side bag, I came out of my room, I made eye contact with Usman and a gasped suddenly made it way out of my mouth. When have he returned? Isn't he suppose to be on a business trip for a week? Ignoring this thought, I hurriedly made my way to the dining area and prepared coffee as Usman was sitted in the living room taking his coffee too.

After having my breakfast, I went over and carried my weekly allowances by the centre table that is always given to me by Usman every week for my lunch in school and fare. My allowance is always N5,000 (5k) to my suprise today, when I counted it, its just 3k, 3k? Like seriously how can I go for a week with just 3k. It will only do for my fare which is N500 everyday for going and coming back. What of my lunch? Or did I mention to him that I'll be fasting through out the week.

I know Usman very well he is doing this on purpose. What have I done this time for him to cut off my weekly allowances, he knows right I don't have anywhere to get money from.

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