Chapter 26

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They fixed our wedding date 3 weeks from now and am so happy
It’s been 3 weeks that we didn’t spoke he didn’t call me or text me and I didn’t want to call him too
Today is our wedding Fatiha date and then my phone ring it’s was Usman I picked without saying a word he said Aisha welcome to hell your now officially my wife and I promise I will make your life a living hell

        In just some hours we'll be flying to Lagos to our matrimonial home. We were supposed to go to a honeymoon in Dubai but Usman said he had a lot of work at the office and I believed him even though I knew he was actually lying.

We some get together for those can’t come to Lagos, my bestfriend Maryam was the one who catched my bouquet. Usman and I danced amazingly perfect to the slow romantic rising tune. That feeling was one of the best. We cut our wedding cake and did all the traditions.

     The wedding party lasted for 3 hours. And from there we rode straight to the airport. My mom, my sister, aunt Fatima and I all cried as we were about departing. Usman was the one even comforting me. It wasn't long before our plane took off. Usman and I were sitting close to each other when he scoffs. I raised up my head and laid my red puffy eyes on him. He smirked.

       “well I think it'll be better for you to stop shedding those tears now and save them for the future because they will be of more use by then.”

    My throat constricted out of nervousness, I couldn't talk back at him. As a waiter came passing by he told her that he needed his seat to be changed and she directed him over to a seat not far from where we were sitted. He gave me a deadly glare before he stood up and sat over as directed by the waitress. Though I was affected by it, I smiled at him in order to show him I didn't care, I want him to know how brave I am.


        I wouldn't want to go into the details of my marital life 'cuz i'm sure everyone of you will shed tears upon reading it but believe me when I say this. From the day I set my foot into Usman's house, that day remained the worst day of my life, my wedding day turned out to be my worst day ever. I regretted every action I took back then, if only I can reverse time I would have done that and do the right thing this time around. He never treated me right even if it was for a second, the only time he plays it cool is either when any our relatives visited. Anything good I does turns out to be bad to him, he never sees the good in me. He slap, beats and tortures me. He treats me more like a slave than his own wife. I'd say he don't even regard me as his wife as even if I try to remind him of who I was, he says it to my face that am not his wife i'm a maid and a fun machine to him. 'Cuz barely thats my only usage in this house.

    3 months after the wedding he seized my phone after coming to realise that only it keeps me company and even when mom called and asked him why my phone was always switched off he lied to her and told her that the phone got missing and even when he told me he was going to buy me another one I rejected and she got convinced. I swear I know this, even if am to tell mom the demon Usman has turned into, she wouldn't believe me, she'll never. I can remember the last time she visited us, how he was pretending as if he treasures me. Only Zainab does know the truth behind our love and she can't do anything now even if I were to ask of help from her, I missed the oppurtunity I had and now my life is a total crap.

    The last time I spoke with Maryam my bossom friend was the time they were getting prepared for their 2nd year 1st term semester. And here I was, being tortured every blessed day by the demon I call my husband. Humairah decided to make visiting Usman a hobby here at home and I know he does visits her too, and he sometimes even make me cook for them anytime she'll be visting and I did because I can't say no to him unless I want to sleep in my grave that very day. If maybe sometimes something goes wrong in the food I cooked for them, he beats me up mercilessly in front of her showing her i'm nothing, barely nothing to him. She is the one even saving me sometimes.

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