Chapter 34

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Usman’s POV;

   As I tried hoisting up from my bed, I felt like I was naked and immediately I looked down at myself I confirmed that I was naked. My eyes dilated as my mouth dropped open. What the heck happened? I used the bedsheet to cover my lower body and moved down the bed, grabbing my trouser I wore it. I took a glance at the screen of my iphone so as to see who called, it was one of my business colleague, I didn't mind calling back. I went over and sat by my bedside my head was as if turning, I tried my best to remember what happened earliar today but I just can't all I can remember was the time when I emptied my wine and saw someone like Humairah dressed in a slutty manner.

      Gosh it can't be Humairah definately, neither Aisha. It must be someone then who must it be? From there... From there what happened again who brought me to my room and why was I sleeping naked. Gosh! Thinking about this gives me a headache, I decided to got rid of the image for the meantime and tossed around to the bathroom to take a shower.

Aisha’s POV;

       At first I was against the kiss because of how intensed and mad I was towards him I really don't want anything to ever come between us again. Although he's breath was smelling alcoholic, the other sweet side of his breath was still there, he's moist, soft lips made me parted my lips and gave into his kiss. From there, he carried me and took me into his room. I didn't stopped him from continuing with what we started rather I responded to each and every touch of his.

       Since its not in his full mind he was doing all this with me why won't I use it for my advantage? Who knows maybe this is my biggest chance of getting pregnant and having a baby of my own? The feeling I've longed for, on seeing this I picked up my clothe and wore them back and gently left his room without making any noticeable sound that could distract him from his sleep.

       On reaching to my room, I bathe and changed into a red long arabian dress and put my hair into bun. As I laid back on my bed, the image of how Usman made love with me started coming over me, like everything about that was awesome I never knew there was any sweet from it till now, because anytime Usman and I had xxx...

     Some hours later****

           Some nuisance sound woke me up from my beautiful sleep. I brushed my teeth and added just a bit of makeup and left to see what was going on in the living room as the sound was coming from there. It was around 5:30pm then, I saw Usman sweeping the pieces of glasses he broke earlier. As our eyes met, his dark brown eyes pierced the distance between us. I cannot explain the expression on his face it was as if he was confused... Yes confused and trying to figure out something. Then he instantly shook his head and averted his gaze back to what he was doing. On seeing this, I made my way to the kitchen to set dinner.

       I was chopping onions when Usman joined in, he disposed the broken glasses into the bin and made his way out without saying a word to me but even still its written on his forehead that he is burning to talk to me. Just as he was about leaving, he turned and looked at me and I continued with what I was doing ignoring his glare.

       “Aisha.” He finally man up and talked. “Yes” I snarled at him.

    It took him a minute before he spoke up again.

    “Did.. Did” he shut up and muttered “no thats not how to say it” I chuckled lightly and continued with what I was doing not paying much attention to him.

     “I mean earlier today where you the one dressed in shots and vest?” He muttered again “no it can't be her definately” then louder he said “where you in my room just a while ago and-” seems like his conciousness can't help it.

    I laughed before frowning my face disgustedly “ewww” I state.

             “Tell me this Mr arrogant, what will I be doing in your room?” I lied confidently knowing that he was heavily drunk and couldn't even remember a thing. “Why are you even asking me this type of question? Guilty concious?” I teased with a smirk on my face.

          “Well just some couple of hours earlier I saw a lady in shorts left and I guess you guys satisfied each other after getting yourself drunk, you really are amazing”

  He hissed “thats none of your business.” then muttered, “then who's the lady? I sure didn't brought anyone home, I'm certain.” On muttering this he left the kitchen.

         So I get him now he wanted knowing either it was me he made love with earlier “Lol Mr arrogant you're trying so hard.” I laughed a little and proceeded with what I was doing.


       Since I will be writing my exams in 2 weeks time, I made use of the time I had and made the worth out of it, I studied so hard, thank goodness to my phone I use in browsing. Usman hasn't been minding into my business lately, he eats without complaining now. He don't at all talk to me. I can't remember the last time we talked and for that I thanked him I have my house to myself, I do all that I want without being scolded like a kid or being shouted or yelled at.

Saturday morning...
       I woke up as early as possible today knowing that I have an exam (Jamb) to write by 10:00am. I was all ready by 8:00am and did my revision. By 9, I was ready and ready to go I had my slip and writing materials ready although its a computer based exams.

     For the 10th time I checked at Usman’s door only to see it locked again. Like he knew exactly that I have an exams to write today since he was the one who brought the slip for me then why isn't he awake? Was he staying asleep on purpose?

           I knocked at his door gently and he didn't respond. I did so for the second time and third time and for the fourth time I decided to rattle the door. His hoarse voice yells “whoever it is should go away.”

            I know I don't deserve any sympathy or any kind of help from him regarding what I've done to him about Humairah but I really do need his help now, I don't want to miss my exams. I glance at my wrist watch and it was 9:20 already. I gasped and knocked again this time more demanding. “Are you deaf as well as stupid?” he roared this time around. “Leave now” he added.

             I woman up and responded “Usman please I don't want to be late.”

        “Late for what?” He asked in an angry hoarse tone.

    “For the exams...” I state voice dropping considerably.

      “Its what you deserve anyway now go away and don't knock on my door again” he barks.

       “Usman plea-”

     “I said go!” He blurted. 

                 I stepped aside and sat on a sofa, I glance at the wall clock and saw its 9:27 now. Omg! What do I do now?? Its not as I have the keys to the gates, I would have take a cap and leave but the keys are inside Usman's room. What do I do now?


         Are you asking yourself what to do? Really? Unless you wanna be late for the exams you'll have to call his mom and talk to her. The logical voice in my head lectures.
         I brought out my phone from my clutch and called his mom. She picked up in the second ring. After the casual greetings I told her exactly what's happening and she was morethan shocked, she apologised on behalf of her stubborn childish son's behaviour and promised me not to worry that she'll call him and talk to him now.

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