Chapter 8

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I am dedicating this chapter to baby sis Humairah Shallangwa she was the one who introduced me to Wattpad

Usman smirked and walked some few steps towards me his gaze piercing into mine and chuckled "you better return  my money before I do something nas__" he was cut off from saying "nasty" due to sound his phone was making (ringing).
          He pulled his ringing iphone from his side pocket and answered it "hello, mum?" She screamed in delight on the other side "supriiiise!! Son, come pick me up am at the airport right now, am waiting for you." His jaw almost dropped he exclaimed "whaat!? You're at the airport? Right now?" She replied "yes just to suprise  you and your wife, hurry I will love it if you and Aisha could come together... Am hanging up!" She hanged up the call.
       He scrutinized my face looking at the bruises on it, I redirected my attention to the other direction avoiding eye contact with him. He took some steps forward and offered his hand to me, seeing I have no intention of gripping his hand he called my name in a very sweet and handsome voice "Aisha darling" I turned and looked at him. I can't remember when last Usman called my name so affectionately like he did now.
        He flashed his brightest mr cool smile and chivalrously offered his hand closer to me again "come on give me your hand" he added in a calm voice.
       I really don't know what he's upto, I don't know either to grip his hand or not. What if he's just trying to make a fool out of me? He pulled me out of my thought by saying in a very sweet voice again "your hand please." I gripped his hand immediately before he changed his mind now that he's acting nice.
         He moist me up and put his hand around my waist pulling me closer to him, he stared at the bruises close my lips and muttered "lets take care of this." He dragged me to his room brought out the first aid box and treated all the bruises and wounds on my body. For all this while I was just looking at him shrieking when ever the injuries hurts.
After treating my wounds he left the room I wondered where he went only to see him coming  holding two long fitted, abaya dresses. One red and the other blue. The dresses he warned me never to wear infact never to touch than to talk more of wearing. He passed the red one to me "try this lets see, it'll look more good on you" he commanded charmingly. I mumbled something indifferently. "Um" I said prying at him. He handed me the dress and I collected it making my way out his room to try the dress. He called out "hey where are you going?" I turned and said calmly "to my room to put it on."
      He smirked, "try it in here." I baffled "but..." He cut me off "I said try it here" he roared. I gasped and  returned back to where I was sitted before, his eyes where on me without even blinking them. I started removing my shirt reluctantly seeing he has no intention of giving me some privacy. I said in my thin voice "some privacy please Usman, will you?"
       He smiled arrogantly "oh! Sorry mrs, you want some privacy? Okay". Sarcasm. He dragged a chair and sat close to me looking at me without even an eye blink "get on with" he groaned. I pretended as if I didn't heard him. He roared "I said get on with it, am being nice now you know, don't let me change my mind."
       I have no other option, that was how I got rid of my clothes Usman was just starring at my body I ignored him and silently dragged the dress and wore it finally. Without looking at the mirror I know the dress fits me, the way it didn’t exposed even a little portion of my body made it sexy.
        He stood up from the chair he was sitted with a broad smile on his face "there!" He exclaimed "now go put on some makeover, I mean both your hair and face" he instructed "let me prepare myself too. Hurry!" He added.
      "I demand to know where we are going" I said icily rather offensive. He gave me a dirty glare and grasped me by my burnt arm I screamed "arrghhh!" he used his lips instantly and bite off mine. I screamed louder than I did before using my other hand to rub my bit lips with tears filled in my eyes meanwhile I was trying to duck under his gasp but he only held me more tight than before.
      He said icily, his gaze piercing into mine "if you dare allow that hung tears to drop on the floor, you'll answer to me." I know Usman' a demon he can do exactly as he said. I swallowed back my tear without a second thought. He dumped me on the floor and huffs "don't let me repeat myself go and add some makeover. Emm.. Regarding where we are going, if you're being so excited and anxious to know. Don't overreact hoping maybe we are going on a date" he paused and laughed "hell NO! mum's waiting at the airport and she wants you to be there. Plus let me warn you before you do something stupid in her presence, just a slight mistake" he smirked "you'll regret knowing Usman in your entire miserable life."
       I murmured "regret knowing you? I've done that right from the day 1, right from the day I stepped into this hell." He groaned "what did you just say?" I said immediately without hesitation knowing he didn't heard what I said "nothing I said let me go and prepare." He smiled arrogantly as he usually does "good for you" and watch me leave his room.
   For those that voted for my novel thanks! Keep voting please this the only way you can put smile on my face

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