Chapter 12

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That was Usman! He's tall, fair, handsome and classy. He stepped his long sexy legs one after the other  and made it to the mall magestically, picked up one of the trolleys and started shopping. If I have to admit I nearly stopped breathing for that moment, my lungs forgot how to function I guess. I could't take my gaze off Usman. Even after paying for my shopping, I decided to sit on a chair from the behind and waited for him to finish his'. It didn't took time when he finished and paid for before hitting his benz, that was when I walked back home too.

        I walked straight to my bedroom, carried my phone and called Zainab only to gist her about that guy. She was suprised and freaked out. Was this the Aisha she knows?

        The one that never get impressed by guys? Wow! something must be wrong. It sounded wierd really. Like I hate boys, I don't like them, they never impress me how can I just suddenly feel something for that guy I saw earlier. Zainab asked me about how am feeling about that dude, I unthoughtly told her "it was love, I love that guy and I want to spend my entire life with him."

      She was shocked and asked me so many thousand questions, "how about your school? Don't you want to be a medical doctor nomore? Even still you know both dad and mom aiint going to allow you to get married at the age of 20 right? Without getting a degree." I shut her up and told her my mind. "I'm really ready to drop school if it was for that guy, my mind, body, eyes and everything I know that is in me wants to be with that guy." She sighed! "I hope that guy didn't cast a spell on my sister." I smiled as if that guy was in front of me and told her not to tell anyone about this espcially not mom or dad.

       I decided to make it a hobby, visiting that shopping mall every blessed day waiting for that my crush to comeback, unfortunately he never returned. Right from the day I set my eyes on Usman I turned into something different I just can't explain the feeling. Just like in fairy tales, mom's face sometimes turns to be Usman' to me, so as dads' too. Its like I became affected by not seeing him again, mom tried to figure out something but I did my possible best not to allow her do so because I know I'll be in a great big mess when she does.

         Days moved by and it was almost 3 months since when I saw Usman, I never go a day without thinking about Him, I decided to make it a hobby. It was a sunday afternoon 1:30PM I saw the exact car I saw outside that mall parked infront of our house. I pulled my eyes out what is this suppose to mean? Am very sure this is that guy's car, but what business does he has with my family? What will bring him to my house? I decided not to give it much hope and walked into my house but followed the back door just incase. I was tip-toeing so as not to get any attention, and finally made it to the kitchen.

        My mum just appeared in front of me scaring the devil out of me. I quickly covered my mouth with my two hands avoiding that hell scream about coming out. She giggled at me and made it to the cupboards bringing out the most expensive wine cups she've never allowed either Zainab or I to touch them. My jaw almost dropped there must be a big occassion going on today for mom to bring out those cups so I decided to ask her what was the occassion in a quizzical manner.

       "Mom whats the occassion? Why bringing out those fancy cups?" She didn't answer me not until she had rinsed them and put them on a tray. She ogle at me before saying "my cousin Fatima is here with her son Usman.

         "What? Son? Could thèe son be the guy I've been crushing for the last 3-4 months? So are we sort of related with him? So he's name is Usman? Awwn! What a cute name" I thought to myself. Some part of me said "come on take it easy don't get too much hope he's probably not the guy" another part of me snapped, "he sure is! I bet he's the one." Mum pulled me out of my thoughts "are you really okay?" She asked. I smiled and beckoned at her but she seems to have a curious look on her face.

        Passing me the tray held in her hand she snapped, "take this to our visitors"  "whaatt!!?" I exclaimed taking some few steps backward. "Like this?" Pointing at my outfit (a loose skirt and T shirt) "there's noway on earth am going to walk infront of your cousin and her son like this!" Laying more emphasis on "son". I concluded and winced before she said anything.

           I ran straight to my room and made it to my closet in order to search for a beautiful dress to wear, this is my first expression I must dress cool and nice, I must look beautiful too. I started bringing out the dresses one by one. Unfortunately, no one did suit my tatse. I furrowed my forhead wondering what to wear. I stood up instantly and made it to my sister's wardrobe, where she left some of her dresses. Just as if I planned this, I came across one of her long dresses, it red in colour with a V neck, it is also fitted for one's body.

        I smiled and pulled out my clothe, wearing that dress now. Its fits me just as if it was mine. I headed to the dressing mirror and added a little bit of makeup. I know I looked pretty, added perfume and carried my iPhone X. After scowling at the mirror for some mintutes and realising how gorgeous and stunning  am looking, I made it to the sitting room where am sure the visitors are. I stopped at the door and peeped inside the room.

          My eyes stopped at nowhere but at Usman'. My heart began racing. So its really true! No argument this is the guy I saw at the shopping mall the other day, the guy of my dreams. Usman ! To make things better him and I are sort of related. I can't help but smile endlessly.

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