Treasure Hunt (2)

Start from the beginning

At the moment, the only thing Jennifer cared about was the calendar. She was counting down the days to summer vacation. To the day she could see her true friends again. She didn’t care about school anymore. She didn’t look up to the populars like she did a month ago.

Too bad for her, but the leader of the popular group had taken a liking to her.

“Hey, Jennifer!” Mason Black cried after her as she walked towards the lunch room.

Jennifer barely turned to look at the black-haired boy who ran after her. She had absolutely no interest in him. He was the one who started the rumor about her, and even though she didn’t care didn’t mean she would forgive Mason.

Plus, he had pretty much been stalking her for the past two weeks.

“What do you want, Mason?”  Jennifer complained in a flat voice.

The two of them were alone in the hallway. Everyone else had already gotten to the lunch room. Jennifer didn’t know why, but being this alone with him, it made her uneasy. Mason Black was not a nice person when he didn’t get what he wanted. Jennifer remembered that all too well.

“I think you know what I want,” Mason said, a smirk adorning his face.

Jennifer drew in a deep breath. She absolutely hated Mason. It wasn’t easy for her to hate someone, but Mason Black did something to her. He had an aura of creepy. His arrogance didn’t suit him, though Jennifer may be the only girl who thought so.

After all, Mason was the quarterback of the football team, he was popular, and therefore a lot of girls would kill to be with him.

“I’m not interested, Mason. After all, you screwed me over on my birthday,” Jennifer said.

“And I’m sorry for that. But you should give me a second chance,” Mason told her.

“Just leave me alone, Mason,” Jennifer sighed.

Mason was dying to make the rumors he had started true. Unfortunately, his charm didn’t work on Jennifer.

“Can’t do that, sweetheart. You intrigue me,” Mason smirked.

Jennifer stopped walking at the endearment he used.

“Stop following me, Mason. I will never like you again,” Jennifer hissed at him.

“You know, I think I liked you better when you were falling all over me,” Mason told her, not losing his smirk.

“Of course you did. You’re not used to people rejecting you. And when they do, you don’t understand what to do,” Jennifer said slowly.

“But on the other hand, this new side of you is really… sexy,” Mason wiggled his eyebrows at her.

“Leave. Me. Alone,” Jennifer demanded before she stomped away to her next class.


“Mom doesn’t want me to leave for a weekend, at least not until summer vacation. She’s still worried about me.”

Jennifer could hear Drew had rolled his eyes.

“That’s another month and a half from now,” she frowned.

“I know, but you said your father doesn’t want you to leave, and it’s the same for me. She would freak of I even went for a day without telling her where I was,” Drew explained.

“I guess phone calls are enough for now,” Jennifer said, glancing down in the book that lay before her.

She was sitting in the library for her lunch break, trying to study, when Drew had called her to explain that he couldn’t come up to her for the weekend.

“I really have to go now, though. I just wanted to tell you. But I told Will I was going to the bathroom, and I think he is getting a bit suspicious,”

Jennifer giggled at his response.

“I’ll talk to you later, okay?” Jennifer asked.

Drew agreed quickly before he hung up.

Jennifer sighed once she sat in silence once again. The library had always been her sanctuary. It was where she would go in every lunch break. Every time she didn’t want to encounter other people. But now it was her safe spot, where the rumors never reached. She was the only one who used it after all. And the grumpy, old librarian didn’t care as long no one bothered her.

Jennifer fixed her gaze so it once again turned into her history book.

The only thought she was managing to hold onto, though, was how much she missed her true friends.


So there's the new chapter :)

Hope you all liked it <3

Dedicated to Musicandsoccer16 for fanning, thank you so much :D

2 votes for an early update

xxAmi <33 

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