4. Prisoner

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His face held no emotion as he looked me over. After a few moments of silence, I notice a small smirk tug at his lips. It disappeared as quickly as it appeared. He sighed and looked away, "Take him upstairs. I'll take care of him later."

I froze up slightly at the words and I was pulled up to my feet. I pulled away from their grasp and stepped forward, "Why did you do it?!"

He looked at me and narrowed his eyes slightly, "Excuse me?" 

I gulp slightly, but it's too late now, "Nine years ago, why did you shoot up the market?! Why did you save me?!" 

I winced when someone gripped my arm, "You little-"

"Stop it already, " he stood up and started walking towards us.

The grip on my arm tightened and i could feel some of my cuts reopen, "But, sir-"

He narrowed his eyes and spoke coldly, "Let him go."

I felt the grip on my arm vanish and the guy stepped back.

I backed up slightly as he got closer. We played a game of chase until my back hit the wall. 

His eyes were cold as he looked me up and down. He held up the gun in his hand and hummed slightly, "I should teach you a lesson..."

I looked up at him, he was a good foot taller than me, "So you're just going to kill me? Fine! Just make it quick..." I looked down and closed my eyes. There was no way I was going to get out of here alive anyways. 

I flinched when I heard it cock and closed my eyes tighter when it went off. 

No pain came from the shot except my ears ringing a bit. I slowly opened my eyes to see the mans back. I looked up at the smoking gun, surprised it wasn't pointed at me. I looked in the direction it was pointed in and gasped softly. I covered my mouth as I watched the guy that grabbed my arm fall to his knees as he clutched the wound in his leg.

I flinched when he looked back at me and put the gun away.

He looked me over again and took the crown off his head and placed it on mine. He smirked softly again and took out a handkerchief, "Heh... Looks good on you." He wiped off my face and hummed in satisfaction. 

He put the cloth away and went up to the man he shot. He made him look at him by pulling back his hair. He spoke with narrowed eyes, "You will listen to me." He pushed him onto his back and sighed, "Get him treated. And take the blonde to my room. No one comes in. Or out."

"Ah- Yes, sir." 

He huffed slightly and looked back at me again. He went back to his throne and sat back down. He crossed his legs as he leaned back in his chair.

I stumbled slightly when I was pushed, "Lets go."

"Hey. Gently..." 

We both froze and the one who pushed me nodded. I could tell he was as sacred and confused as I was. He nodded towards the hallway and I followed. I looked back at the guy on the floor before we went around the corner. The blood had started to stain the carpet. I felt my stomach start to knot and I turned away from the scene.

I looked down slightly before looking up at the guy walking with me, "Will he be ok...?"

He doesn't answer, he only kept walking. I felt my stomach tighten more and I looked ahead of us, "Will I be ok...?"

Again, no answer.

I swallow in hopes to rehydrate my throat. It hurt to swallow, I hadn't realised how dry it was. I dropped the conversation and followed them up stairs.

Loaded Gun, Empty ArmsWhere stories live. Discover now