3. Taken

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I woke up to a headache. I sat up with a groan and looked at my arm. I cursed under my breath when I bled through, again. I get up with a grunt and grab the towel I slept on. I had the day off so I should be fine. 

I take off the bandages on both arms and strip. I stretched out my back before turning on the shower. 

I examine the cuts, scabs, and fading scars, making sure none have been infected yet. I sigh slightly and lean against the counter as I wait for the water to warm up. I pull back the door to the shower and bath and step inside. 
(Looks like picture above)

I hiss slightly when the water hit my cuts. My hiss turned into a sigh as I felt them be cleaned out. I lowered the showerhead and sat on the stool as I let the water fall over my body. I yawned slightly, covering my mouth in the process. I got a rag out and started carefully washing the fresh cuts, wincing occasionally. I threw the rag onto the rack when I was done and started washing my hair. I let my mind wander as I massaged the shampoo into my hair. 

"Look at you. You're covered in blood."

I felt my body freeze up when that icy stare came to mind. I had to force myself to start breathing again when my chest started to burn. I stared at the floor and let the water rinse out my hair.

I felt my eyes start to water again and I held my face. 


Why am I remembering that now...?


I dried myself off as I looked at myself in the mirror. I narrowed my eyes slightly and leaned closer to my reflection. I groaned slightly, "Great... Now my eyes are all swollen and shit..."

I splashed some cold water on my face to make the swelling go down. I dried off and bandaged my arms again. I pulled on a black sweatshirt and some running shorts. I went to the kitchen and picked up my Scanner. I unplugged it and turned the tv on again. I made some eggs and toast. I watched the news from the table and looked over at the unfinished dishes, "Shit..." I got up and started doing them again as I listened to the reporter. 

"In other news. Blonde males between the ages of eighteen(18) and twenty-four (24) have been reported missing all throughout Japan-"

I looked up when there was a knock on my door. I narrowed my eyes slightly and turned off the water. 

Another knock.

I sighed and dried off my hands, "Be there in a second!" 

I set the towel down and went to the door. I opened it and froze at the men in suits and holding guns. I cleared my throat and stood up straighter, "Can... Can I help you...?"

They all looked at me for a second before one spoke, "Scanner."

I felt my entire body relax and nodded, "Sure. Let me get it." I went back inside and reached over the counter to get my Scanner. I brought it back to them, "Anything else?" 

They didn't respond again. They plugged my scanner into something and looked through it for a while. The one with my Scanner nodded to the others and started walking away.

I tilted my head slightly, "Uh, Sir? I kind of need that ba-" i grunted when i was suddenly on my ass, "What the-?!... hell...?" I watched three armed men come inside my apartment. My eyes widened and I quickly got up and started running to my room, knowing what was happening. 

I gasped slightly when something crashed into my back. I fell to my knees as a result. I went to stand up again when something hit me hard on the side of my head. I fell forward and my vision started to blur. I probably have a concussion. I blinked back tears and looked at the family picture on the kitchen counter. I tried to reach for it and winced when one of them stepped on my arm to pin it down. I sighed and closed my eyes, already accepting my fate.

"Thats it? Looks like he would put up more of a fight."

"Nah. He's too cute. That's why he ran."

The last thing I heard was laughter before my ears started ringing. 

Why do I even bother at this point? 


I woke up to a sharp pain in my cheek. He groaned as I rolled over and coughed a few times.

"He's up."

I opened my eyes slightly and blinked to adjust to the brightness. I winced and held my head as it throbbed. I stumbled when I was dragged and pulled to my feet. I look behind me to see the car I was just pulled out of. I fell forward when I was pushed.

"Why are you being such a pain in the ass?" 

I was pulled to my feet again and winced at the grip on my arm. I tripped over myself as I was practically dragged up a flight of stairs. The castle-like structure in front of us looked oddly familiar. I followed quietly for a while, trying to put together the fuzzy memories. I watched them open the door to the building and remembered the news report before it all.

"In other news. Blonde males between the ages of eighteen(18) and twenty-four (24) have been reported missing all throughout Japan-"

I started to panic and started to pull away. I gripped their arm as I struggled, falling back in the process.

"Jesus christ, stop fucking with me!" I was yanked to my feet again and continued to be dragged. 

"N-No! Please!" I was being dragged down the hall to the scariest leader in history. "I haven't done anything wrong!" Tears streamed down my face and I was forced to my knees. I didn't dare look up, knowing my place in this world. 

"Here he is, Sir."

There was no answer but I could feel all eyes on me. 

"Look at me."

I slowly look up when told to and my blood runs as cold as the familiar eyes I lock onto. He had a tilted crown on his head and a gun in his hand. He sat on the throne like he was a king. 

And he is.

Loaded Gun, Empty ArmsWhere stories live. Discover now