I'm a Bad girlfriend..? (Kirishima X Possessed!Reader)

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Requested by @kiwiicolors

"Sorry to dip out on you guys again this week, but I REALLY want to take (Y/n) out to this new restaurant." Kirishima said rubbing the back of his neck as he faced his group of friends.

" Bro it's cool! You seem to be the only one of us who can keep a girl, she deserves your  time." Kaminari said with smile.

" We'll all just chill tomorrow, go have fun with (Y/n)." Sero said waving his hand in the air as if he was dismissing him from a class.

"I don't know why you apologize to us every time you want to take (Y/n) out, we aren't going to be pissy with you." Bakugou huffed rolling his eyes.

" Right! Thanks bros! Can't keep my babe waiting any longer." Kirishima said as he left the dorm room full of his friends.

" They really are inseparable couple aren't that?" Sero said as he laid down a uno reverse card.

" Yeah they are. I think it's cute, Kirishima is always super happy when she's around." Kaminari said slaying down a plus four card.

" Fuck you pikachu!" Bakugou snapped as he drew four more cards.

" C-change the color to yellow.." Kaminari stuttered out.

" Hey! Sorry I'm late!" Kirishima shouted as he rushed up to (y/n).

"No big deal Kiri. You didn't have to cancel on them." (Y/n) said.

"Yeah but I REALLY wanted to spend time with you." Kirishima said happily as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

" Okay Kiri you win." (Yn) chuckled kissing his cheek.

After their date Kirishima walked (y/n) home, " Hey I'll see you tomorrow." Kirishima said as they stood at the front door.

"I'll see you tomorrow red." (Y/n) said with a smile,.

"Are you just going to stand at my front door all night?" She teased as Kirishima's face turned red.

" N-No! I just haven't given you , your goodnight kiss yet." Kirishima said as he pouted,(Y/n) then placed her soft lips against his pouting ones.

" Goodnight Baby I love you." Kirishima said with a grin.

" Goodnight sharky I love you too." (Y/n) said with a smile before she walked into her home.

" Oh thank goodness you're home. Has Kirishima left yet?" Her dad asked.

" Yeah he just started walking down the street why?" She asked.

" A villain by the name of Jay has escaped police custody. I was worried about the both of you. I want you to call him later and make sure he made it home alright." Her dad said patting her head.

"Okay I will dad. I'm going to go get ready for bed." She said giving her dad a side hug before heading up stairs. After doing her nightly routine she called Kirishima.

" Hey did you make it home alright?" She asked.

" Yeah, why the worry?" He asked.

" Well dad heard on the new that a villain had busted out of police custody. I did some reading on social media and it said that this villain was pretty dangerous, she takes over people's bodies. Just like a demon. I was just worried." (y/n) said.

" I'm all good and all me baby don't worry. It's late you should get some shut eye." Kirishima said as he heard his girlfriend yawn from the other line.

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