I hope it was worth it ( Cheating! Bakugou x F!Reader)

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Requested by alekoplayz

" Hey Bakugou, you ready to go on our date?" (Y/n) said happily as she with her phone up against her ear as she started walking down the street.  

" Sorry Babygirl, but I have to cancel. I have bad grade in chemistry and I have to get it up before my parents kill me. Maybe another time." Bakugou said, as rustling of clothes could be heard in the background.

" Oh... Okay.. another time, I love you.." She said sadly. 

" Yeah me too." He said shortly hanging up the  up the phone. (Y/n) looked at the phone in her hand sadly.

' I'm all dressed up for nothing.' (Y/n) thought sighing as she turned around to go back home. Bakugou has be canceling plans more often, because of his bad grades.

It was rare for him to ever to fail a class or nearly fail a class specially chemistry. That was one of his best subjects.

' Maybe I'm just over reacting. I mean he might actually be struggling in class. It would be selfish of me if I put myself before him.' (Y/n) said rubbing her fingers through her hair sighing.

She truly wanted to spend my time with her boyfriend be it seemed school and social lives weren't going to give her the time of day.

' Another canceled date and another waste of makeup.' She thought sighing as she opened the door to her home. She took her hair down and rubbed the makeup of her fair face before slipping into shorts and one of the  many hoodies Bakugou left laying around her room.

(Y/n) picked them up from the floor and tossed them all into their own hamper. In this hamper was more than just his hoodies, there was his underwear, pants, and few t-shirts.

' Can he not remember to get fully dressed when leaves my place?' She said with a smile shaking.

' I should facetime him while he works.' She thought grabbing her phone as she clicked the FaceTime button.

" What do you want brat!?" He snapped at her as he panted, (y/n) blinked for a second.

" Did you go out to the gym with Kirishima or something? You're dripping sweat." (Y/n) said with a chuckle.

" Yeah I did. I have work to do I'll see you loser." He said as he quickly hung up.

" Bakugou- I love you..." (y/n) said to herself sighing.

' That's the second time he hung up without telling me he loves me.' (Y/n) thought pulling her knees up to her chest.

' He told that he need to do chem work so why was he going with Kiri to the gym.' (Y/n) thought as her phone vibrated. (Y/n) quickly answered it without looking at the contact name, " You called back to say you live me right!?" She said happily.

" Uhhh broette it's Kirishima." He said.

" Oh sorry Kiri. What's up?" (Y/n) asked, Kirishima didn't seem to be as near as exhausted as Bakugou was.

" You wanna come hit the gym with me, Mina and Jirou? Bakugou told me he canceled on you so I thought it'd be nice to have something to do." Kirishima said happily on the other lines.

" Didn't... you and Bakugou just get back from the gym?" (Y/n) said.

" Huh? No, I just called him to ask him to go but he said he was busy." Kirishima said confusion clear in his voice.

" I'll... see you guys soon." (Y/n) said hanging up.

' He lied to me? Why would he do that?' She thought. Bakugou surprisingly Bakugou didn't didn't walk with (y/n) to school that morning, that was something they did every day since they started dating.

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