Fly! (Class 1-A & F! Reader)

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  " If we are doing a band and dance crew for the cultural festival we need to form the band so we can start practicing." Momo said.

" (Y/n) and Jirou should sing!" Kaminari cheered draping his arms over (Y/n)'s sitting form.

" M-Me?" (Y/n) stutterd blinking like an owl at him. " I'd much rather be backstage ya know." (Y/n) said as she looked down at her lap.

" Come on give it a chance (Y/n)! Jirou is!" Kirishima said happily.

" We can have two songs, one from me and one  from you!' Jirou said smiling down at (Y/n) with a smile

. (Y/n) took a deep breath, " Alright.. I'll try to have my part written as quickly as possible so you instrumentalist can have time to practice it while working on the other piece." (Y/n) said standing up from the couch.

" Won't you practice us though?" Jirou said as (Y/n) shook her head.

" I'll practice on my own. I won't turn out bad I promise. Have a little faith in me." (Y/n) said with a smile as she walked off to her dorm room.

(Y/n) pulled out a notebook from her writing desk, she twirled the pencil between her fingers  staring at the blank piece of paper in front of her. (Y/n)'s eyes scanned over each blank line as the pencil inched forward like needle. She sighed as she sat the pencil down on the desktop.

' Why am I even doing this? I should be training.. everyone else has time to spare for this festival but I really don't.... Even though I was chosen to help save Eri in the battle with Kai I still feel...that..I'm failing behind everyone.' (Y/n) thought shaking her head, before turning her attention back to the paper before shoving it back into the desk.

"Really?! A hero (y/n)! There's an entire family business waiting  for you and you want to be something as idiotic as a hero!" Her father screamed at her as (y/n) held her UA acceptance letter close to her chest. 

" I can't believe you went behind our backs and went to that entrance exam!" Her mother yelled at her as her father ripped the letter out from (y/n)'s hands.

"  Tch, I don't see how you even remotely made it into the hero program! You're weak, clumsy, and not very intelligent!" He yelled at her as tears drifted down her face.

" I...I just wanted you to be proud of me... I worked really hard to pass the exam and I trained even harder.." (Y/n) said as feeling the harsh galres from her parents.

" We'll never be proud if you since you chose to be something that is just a mere figurehead in society! No child of mine would ever want to be something so low as a hero." He said shoving the letter back into (Y/n)'s hands. "

Mom.... Dad please..... I just want to save people... I want people to look up to me like they do All Might.." She said holding the letter tightly to her chest.

" A feible dream, a dream that will never be worth reaching, not for someone like you."

(Y/n) cringed at the memory watching her class start on the construction of the stage, " Hey! How's your song coming along (Y/n)?" Ochako cheered walking up behind her.

" It's.... Coming.." (Y/n) replied.

" Jirou just finished letting the dance crew hear hers. We're really looking forward to hearing your's all of us are." She said happily.

" Round Face get over here and help me!" Bakugou yelled to Ochako.

" Right! Sorry on my way! Good luck on your song (Y/n)!" She cheered as ran off to help Bakugou.

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