Witch Hunt (Todoroki x F! Reader)

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Fantasy AU

(Y/n) sat in the common room watching Eri doodle on the piece of paper wit the colorful pencils. She smiled.

" Can I see what you're drawling Eri?" She asked leaning her head against the palm of her hand.

The younger girl held up the paper with small circle of each color on it, " I don't know what to draw...it's making it boring." Eri said looking off to the side.

(Y/n) chuckled, " Are you bored Eri?" She asked as Eri nodded her head putting the paper back down into the table sighing lightly.

" How about a story?Aizawa won't be back for about another hour so that should be long enough." (Y/n) said sitting down beside  of her in the floor.

" What kind of story?" Eri said.

" The kind of story that has princes, a priestess, tales  of love, tales of betrayal... and witches." (Y/n) said winking bringing her index finger up to her lips. She watched as Eri's eyes held a deep interest in the story.

" I want to hear it! Can you please tell it to me?" Eri cheered grabbing (y/n)'s sleeve.

" Of course I can. One time long long ago there lived a young witch in land. She came to love a young prince or so the story goes." (Y/n) started with a smile. Watching the younger girls eyes widen with excitement.


It was extremely windy that day in the kingdom, so strong it caused the door to (y/n)'a small cottage to swing open. (Y/n) quickly rushed to close it pushing her small inn table against it. She sighed to herself.

' I need to go out today but that wind is so strong.' She thought looking around at her empty kitchen.

(Y/n) scratched her cheek as she thought. Then wind then burst through the house yet again causing a few windows to swing open. She quickly scrambled shutting them closed once again. ' It only comes in slight bursts it should be calm enough for me to go to the market.' (Y/n) thought quickly changing into something else more suitable for the weather.

(Y/n) tied a ribbon around her head hoping that it would be enough to keep her hair out of her face if the wind kicked back up again. She grabbed her basket and the small list she had written the day before. She pushed the table out of the way of the door before leaving her quite little home.

" Good morning your highness!" Towns folk would cheer as Todoroki would pass by them in the market. A strained smile would grace his face as he waved to them.  He merely wanted to leave the smothering aura of the palace only to be greeted with more of it from his people.

Not only that he still felt the suffocating grasp of the palace on him. He wasn't an idiotic and egotistical prince, he known his father sent someone to  follow. It didn't matter what he did, the palace always kept him in it's grasp.

He couldn't see who had been sent to follow him, but he knew without a doubt someone was there.

Suddenly a quick and strong burst of wind rushed through the market.

(Y/n) let out a slight yelp attempt to keep her ribbon down against her head,  even with her attempts it still took of into the wind along with her list. " Oh no!" She grumbled.

She watched as her ribbon and paper danced along together in the wind as she chased after them leaving the stand she was at.

Todoroki held his hand out as the ribbon floated down into his hand letting the piece of paper land against the ground. " Where did this come from?" He muttered looking around the market square.

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